Merry Wanderer of the Night [Search results for building

  • Heritage: Giza Pyramids threatened by urban expansion

    Heritage: Giza Pyramids threatened by urban expansion
    The areas surrounding the world-famous Giza pyramids are teeming with tourists and merchants, but many have begun to express their worries concerning illegal housing being constructed near the landmarks.

    Giza Pyramids threatened by urban expansion
    Illegal building near Giza pyramids [Credit: Sustainable 
    Cities Collective]

    The recent illegal construction of a residential building, which has partially blocked the view of Giza Pyramid “is a blatant encroachment of Egypt’s building laws which restrict urban housing in a five km radius from the Giza plateau,” Coordinator of the Popular Front to Defend Antiquities Osama Karar told Youm7 Saturday.

    “If encroachments of building residential units in the area continue at the same rate witnessed since the January 25 Revolution, the Giza Pyramids won’t be seen from more than 30-meters away,” said Karar in response to photos published in Youm7 Friday.

    Giza Pyramids threatened by urban expansion
    Illegal building near Giza pyramids 
    [Credit: Youm7]

    The photos show an under-construction residential building located in Abu el-Houl street, walking distance from the foot of the Sphinx. The photos also show mobile network towers installed on rooftops, within the perimeter of the area where construction is restricted.

    “Several residential buildings, with ranging from 5 to 11 stories tall, are being built in streets located less than 200 meters from the Giza Pyramids area. It is a blatant encroachment,” he added.

    Giza Pyramids threatened by urban expansion
    Illegal building near Giza pyramids 
    [Credit: Youm7]

    The Giza Plateau is part of a zone of 50 square kilometers that is protected by UNESCO, which stretches to the funerary complex at Saqqara, further south.

    “The ancient ruins of the Memphis area , including the Pyramids of Giza , Saqqara , Dahshur , Abu Ruwaysh , and Abu Sir, were collectively designated a World Heritage site in 1979,” archaeologist Sherif el-Sabban told The Cairo Post Saturday.

    Giza Pyramids threatened by urban expansion
    Illegal building near Giza pyramids 
    [Credit: Youm7]

    Following the 2011 revolution and the lack of proper security, private construction companies demolished some of the area’s old villas and 4-story residential buildings and replaced them with tall, residential buildings that encroach on the neighborhood’s small alleyways.

    Karar says that bureaucracy, a lax approach from the government in implementing building code along with corruption issues are common in Egypt’s official bodies issuing building permits, and represent a threat to Egypt’s cultural heritage.

    “The Ministry of Antiquities seems unwilling to admit failure, but the Egyptian government should take action to ensure that archaeological sites do not end up in a disaster,” he said.

    Author: Rany Mostafa | Source: The Cairo Post [April 12, 2015]

  • New photo «The Shard»

    New photo «The Shard»


    New photos of a tower “The Shard”, a multi-functional building which will construct near to London Bridge are published. Design: Renzo Piano Building Workshop.

    Works on building of a building in height of 306 metres which should be placed on a place of the wrong form near to station “London Bridge” have begun. The tower is a part of new building, London Bridge Quarter.

    The design concept: some front glass blocks which are located under an inclination inside, but not incorporating completely. The image is inspired by ship masts by which Thames has once been filled.

    On 72 floors offices, apartments, hotel, the trading areas and restaurants will be placed; in the top, survey part of a building (15 floors) the gallery will be placed.

    The tower will be constructed on a place of a building of 1970 year of construction (Southwark Tower) which has been decided to dismantle for preparation of a place of building. The project is planned to finish by 2012th year.

    Tower, London

    The Shard

    The Shard, London

    London, tower

    VIA «New photo «The Shard»»

  • The educational centre for all and for everyone or how to spiritualise an industrial building

    The educational centre for all and for everyone or how to spiritualise an industrial building

    Educational centre

    Often, behind a simple cover the furniture disappears very uneasy internally. This supervision very much corresponds to a new building which has constructed architectural bureau Planet 3 Studios Architecture. The new educational centre is custom-made Vidyalankar Institute of Technology.

    Internally furniture

    Architects converted an existing building in new object: they have taken out a core, have altered all inside and have added a new external cover. “The design which has turned out as a result, borrows natural language and forms”, — authors speak.


    The external cover leaves free space between a building facade, forming zones for rest and work on the fresh air, protected from a wind and the sun. In a building laboratories, educational halls and a dining room are equipped.


    The central object is executed in the form of a traditional flower, a lotus.

    VIA «The educational centre for all and for everyone or how to spiritualise an industrial building»

  • Interior on service at knowledge

    Interior on service at knowledge

    Academic building

    Cooper Union — one of the oldest educational institutions in America (since 1859). Establishment specialisation is science and art advancement, and on the basis of idea, that knowledge of the highest quality should be accessible also, as water and air.

    In a unification — force!

    The internal concept of a building is an engine which strengthens interaction and cross-country-disciplinary dialogue between college and three schools which took places earlier in separate buildings, and today take places under a roof of the uniform centre.

    wide ladder

    The vertical space is the central place for informal dialogue, an intellectual and creative exchange, it forms heart of a new academic building. All levels of a building, from the first to last floor are connected by a wide ladder.

    Visual transparency of knowledge

    “Symbolising idea of accessible knowledge, a building openly city”, — is spoken Thom Mayne, by the author of the concept.
    “The visual transparency of public zones connects institute to a physical, social and cultural component of a city”.
    Space distribution: 820 sq.m. of public zones, more 16 000 sq.m. (9 floors) educational zones (laboratory, studio, classes, student's zones).

    Spiral staircase

    VIA «Interior on service at knowledge»

  • Entertaining ecology in Hamburg

    Entertaining ecology in Hamburg

    New building in Hamburg

    Sauerbruch Hutton became the winner in competition on building of a new building for Office for Urban Development and Environment. The building is planned to construct by 2013.

    City in a miniature

    The project represents a complex of buildings and a tower where public zones (restaurants and showrooms) will be placed. In the central lobby city models of Hamburg which can be examined through a glass facade will be exposed.

    Office in Hamburg

    Showroom in Hamburg

    Urban Development

    Showroom in Hamburg

    In a building passive and active measures, for example, thermal isolation, cross-country-ventilation, the system of heating using a solar energy, the geothermal equipment are combined.

    VIA «Entertaining ecology in Hamburg»

  • Ultra-modern dugout in Switzerland

    Ultra-modern dugout in Switzerland

    dugout in Switzerland

    Modern dugout

    Whether it is possible to hide simultaneously the house in a slope of the Swiss Alpes, to open before inhabitants a tremendous kind on surrounding city and the nature, and to make this dwelling accessible to light?

    Small house in the Swiss Alpes

    The input in a building is combined with a small court yard. Rather big facade of the house, with a more potential for spacious windows is inside hidden. The corner of the review from the house is slightly under a corner.

    Local authorities do not welcome modern decisions in architecture. But this design has been apprehended positively, as an example of the pragmatic unostentatious project in very sensitive district.

    Modern building

    Modern decisions

    Modern design

    The given concept have apprehended as little bit absurd, but to interfere with building did not become.

    By local residents it's approved!

    It is interesting, that in Switzerland the statement of the building project is carried out after on a site the wooden model of a building is erected. Then inhabitants of the given district, representatives of local community either approve the project, or reject the project, proving it that the architectural design is not entered in a district general plan.

    VIA «Ultra-modern dugout in Switzerland»

  • National Ecological Institute in South Korea

    National Ecological Institute in South Korea

    Sochhon in South Korea

    The company «Samoo Architects» together with Grimshaw Architects have presented to the world the project on area Sochhon arrangement in South Korea. A part of forthcoming changes — building of National ecological institute by the area more than 33,000 sq.m.

    The interconnected domes

    The project includes erection of the interconnected domes representing triangular hothouses from a tree and plexiglas.

    National ecological institute

    «The national ecological institute is a building of the future, solving problems of the present. Universal researches of a climate, safety and harmonious existence of the person and the nature Here will converge. Besides, this establishment will promote education of the population in the field of a modern condition of world resources and ecological systems. To carry out it it is planned by carrying out of scale exhibitions and lecture halls» — the press-secretary «Samoo Architects» has told.

    Building of the future

    Buildings of the future

    The structure of a building, especially, at a sight from above, expresses the relation of architects to interaction of the person and the nature. Light, smooth lines, the harmonious structure reminding inflow of the river, the thought over landscape design — all it gives to the project the present and corresponds the last to tendencies in building of buildings of a similar orientation.

    VIA «National Ecological Institute in South Korea»

  • New building for Royal College of Art

    New building for Royal College of Art

    Royal College

    The building for faculty of drawing Royal College of Art is more similar to a place for faculty of hairdresser's art — an equal teeth and a roof teeth are ideally combed by architects under a comb. The project of the London architects from Haworth Tompkins.

    Original college in London

    Originality of a design consists that have inserted a steel skeleton into an existing brick building.
    The zigzag roof from a North side is glazed, allowing to provide a premise additional illumination. In a building 58 students can be trained.

    Here rooms for study, seminars, exhibitions, administrative premises, and also studios for the artists coming on various actions will be equipped.

    Royal College of Art

    Royal College in London

    College London

    Art College in London

    Art College

    VIA «New building for Royal College of Art»

  • Winter garden in the Northern club

    Winter garden in the Northern club

    Elite club

    “The Northern Club” it is organised by group of known professionals and businessmen in 1867 year when in British Empire clubs of gentlemen were very fashionable. The four-storeyed building was initially created as hotel.

    Elite a citadel of gentlemen

    Members of this private club have chosen bureau Fearon Hay Architects for building of the new neighbour for a historical building.

    Jet set club

    Jet Set Club

    The new building under the concept reminds a Winter garden: thin steel lattices, glass — the style inspired by the Victorian epoch.

    In this project borders between an interior and an ex-terrier are mixed; they are equally substantial and hospitable.

    VIA «Winter garden in the Northern club»

  • The Architecture of the National Traditions

    The Architecture of the National Traditions
    Art Center in Texas

    New Fine Arts Center

    New Fine Arts Center becomes the first public building constructed in a small Texas city for last thirty years. Local artists and active workers, parents and teachers, historians and collectors of national creativity participated in center building. All of them thought over what should be their place for public meetings

    Hi-tech Audience

    Project by Kell Muñoz Architects is almost 2000 sq.m., a hall 975 places and an audience completed with the hi-tech audio-visual equipment.
    The project budget has been limited enough, $5.7 million dollars. This building of time declaring a multicultural modernism, traditional for district (Rio Grande Valley), mixed with the international modernism associating with Mexico.

    New Fine Arts Center
    Art Center
    Fine Arts Center

    Art Center in Texas

    To allocate a new public place, the construction facade has been raised. The front composition from the bright vertical strips organized according to a color spectrum, very brightly allocates a building in a silent and harmonious landscape.

    VIA «The Architecture of the National Traditions»

  • Park of the United Nations

    Park of the United Nations
    Globe project

    The Global Green Project

    The project of Park of the World has been initiated by a municipal government of the city of Chungju in honor of that now the Secretary general of the United Nations is the native of this city, Ban Ki-Moon. Having stretched on river Namhangang coast, the project becomes the new city center.

    The UN Memorial Hall

    The building in the form of an ellipse, the maximum diameter — 60 meters becomes United Nations monument. In a building of 8 floors + a basement floor. In the center — an audience on 1,500 places, and also additional conference halls. From an audience the fine kind on Tangeumdae Natural Park will open.

    New city centre
    Peace Park

    Rising up a spiral, the building becomes the house for an exhibition in which the history of the United Nations since 1945 till today will speak. The person who is the center of interest of missions of the United Nations, will be integrated into architecture and appearance of "globe". The building will be located in the center of a garden from 192 apple-trees which number is equal to number of the states which are members of the United Nations.

    VIA «Park of the United Nations»

  • Rising of the New Moon

    Rising of the New Moon
    New Moon

    The Economic Moon

    Financial crisis — not a hindrance for scale building of the landscape park Zabil. «The new Moon» becomes the central construction of the project. The construction in the form of a half moon — a symbol of force and energy of the countries of the East — will tell about today's prosperity of the United Arab Emirates.

    The New Moon in Dubai

    New Moon in Dubai

    Monument interiors contain 5 floors. Everyone symbolizes one of five postulates of Islam: belief, a pray, mercy, mutual aid and pilgrimage. The design contains in itself a conference hall, cafe, children library and an information desk.

    New Moon monument

    The New Moon Monument

    The external part of a building decorated by the Arabian inscriptions represents a steel skeleton with emptiness. Such decision will give the chance to supervise illumination and air temperature on all platforms of the New Moon, will protect an interior from a direct sunlight and will provide free circulation of air streams. Inside there will be a special microclimate which will unload the central systems of safety. The project completely corresponds to ecological building standards. Solar batteries will be built in a building covering, and it considerably will lower energy consumption.

    VIA «Rising of the New Moon»

  • Author Guest Post: Elizabeth Walker, author of THE TABLET OF MY HEART

    I'd like to welcome Elizabeth Walker to Jenn's Bookshelf! On Monday, I reviewed her book The Tablet of My Heart. Thank you, Elizabeth, for stopping by!

    Gift Giving by Elizabeth Walker

    I did a book signing at Barnes and Noble last Saturday and someone said the kindest thing to me, She said, "you’re so talented. I love to read but I could never write." I didn’t know what to say other than thank you, of course – but her compliment danced inside my head for a while.

    My mind took me on a little exploration through the thought. I thought about my oldest son, who hates writing. It’s curious, I thought. He hates building a story. He can build a computer out of some boxes and wires I swear it, but he hates building a story. I, on the other hand, can spend all day uploading my thoughts onto the computer, and get lost in my love of it - but I wouldn’t dare ruin it by considering what it takes to make a "p" appear on the screen when I type "p" on the keyboard.

    From there my thoughts carried me into my own childhood, and I wandered in my mind to a memory of my dad playing spoons – He could make music with them. He’d put them together back to back with his finger in between the handles, and bounce them from his knee to the hand that he held just slightly above his knee, and make music. I loved it. I loved to listen to him "play" the spoons. I thought it was so cool when he did it, that I decided I’d try it. I hated it! They slipped off of each other, pinched my fingers and sounded like little more than racket that should only be heard from utensils while at the dinner table. I loved hearing it when he did it, but I hated doing it. The weightless thoughts tickled my mind with their simplicity, and made me smile.

    I had reached a conclusion to my curiosity. I guess every body has a little gift to share that makes the rest of us think – how do they do that? Thing is, I have thought that about other people hundreds of times without acknowledging that I have a little gift to share too! And, more importantly that all of those little gifts that other people have, add something quite special to my life and to my writing. for instance, if I didn’t have my son who has a gift for gadgets of a technical nature, I wouldn’t have any idea how to use my computer (you’ve no idea how true this is!) If I hadn’t had my dad who had a gift for making my heart dance for the eight years that I had him, I wouldn’t have those sweet memories of him making the silly music that sprung my heart into motion. If there weren’t people in my life who loved reading a story better than building one, they would surely all be so busy building that I might be the only one with the time to peel open and run my fingers through my projects, which is really no fun at all – admiring someone else’s work is far more entertaining.

    So, thanks Virginia, and others like her, for the compliment – apparently your gift (at least one of them) is the strength to make other people aware of their own gifts. You certainly gave me a smile that lasted me all the way home (and a little longer). And, quite frankly, I’m glad that you and others like you would rather read than write :0) This way I can possibly make you all smile once or twice, as well.

    I don't dare close without mentioning the importance for all of us to support, in what ever way we can, the treatment and prevention of child abuse.

    "We take books to the virtual level!"
    Book Marketing Buzz

  • The house-tree by Tatiana Bilbao

    The house-tree by Tatiana Bilbao

    The house-tree

    Mexican architectural company Tatiana Bilbao has created the design project of a university building. The author has inspired on project creation — an ordinary tree.

    Biological Penates

    The building has received the name “Biotechnological Park Building”. The six-storied structure will shelter researchers and experimenters in the field of the new technologies applied in agriculture.

    The project will take places on 8,000 sq.m. of a campus of the largest private university in Mexico (Tecnológico de Monterrey) in the city of Culiacan.

    The university concept

    The concept represents a complex of the blocks placed in chessboard order. On-opinion architects, such structure is similar to a live, growing tree.

    The university education will be taught on the building ground floors — in "roots", and research and business programs — on top, in "crones".

    VIA «The house-tree by Tatiana Bilbao»

  • Home builder in Sydney

    Home builder in Sydney

    Cottage in Sydney

    What is the repair? Universal accident or a way at last to see habitation of the dream in a reality? Once building of houses from the base to a roof was quite on forces to several people. And the so-called design of an interior and at all was an exclusive prerogative of owners, instead of a highly paid field of activity. In general, and today nobody forbids to repair independently apartment, to erect a garden small house, and even a cottage which becomes habitation for a family.

    Forces on it will leave much, but all will be made by the hands. And money it will be spent less, after all it will not be necessary to pay to designers, intermediaries and workers. Sometimes, thinking in a similar way, the person manages to forget about an ultimate goal. And after all the main thing not to save, and to create convenient and beautiful habitation.

    Any activity requires preliminary planning, and building in particular. That doubts have not crossed out pleasure from complete business, it is necessary to weigh, consider and plan all carefully. It, instead of attempts to make all is independent, will allow to save time and money.

    Sydney home builder

    Even if construction of a summer garden small house or cosmetic furnish of a room is planned, it is necessary to answer itself some questions. First of all, whether there is at you time for independent repair of apartments, then — whether enough you are competent not to miss annoying trifles which will spoil all subsequent life, and whether forces, at last, will suffice to finish business.

    If cottage building without attraction of additional forces, as a rule, does not manage is planned. Sydney home builder — the highly professional and reliable building company in Australia.

    Entrust repair to professionals!

    Think, if you are an excellent bookkeeper or the talented journalist why you should be able to carry out qualitative Bathroom renovation Mosman or to glue wall-paper in a drawing room? Observing of harmonious actions of professionals, necessarily you will reflect, instead of whether to call to the aid professional builders? Quite probably, that it will be a little bit more expensive, but faster and more qualitatively!

    Bathroom renovation

    It is time to agree that repair of apartment which was carried out exclusively by the hands earlier, from intrafamily process has turned to work for professionals to whom trust so that suppose even on protected territories. What to speak about repair of offices or other uninhabited premises where speed and quality of work, first of all, is important.

    Thus the owner at all does not lose feeling of participation to arrangement of the house in spite of the fact that other people repair. Actually, applying a minimum of efforts and spending has some time, the owner receives the full control over an event — and materialised dream as a result. Home builder Sydney will help with repair of your cottage!

    Bathroom Renovation — Before & After

    VIA «Home builder in Sydney»

  • Rotterdam supermarket

    Rotterdam supermarket

    Apartment house

    Building of this project has already begun: Dutch bureau MVRDV will begin building in the centre of Rotterdam. This object will combine two functions — an apartment house (228 apartments) and the market area.

    Supermarket in Rotterdam

    On the market area 100 trading places, shops and restaurants will take places. In a building is also an underground part — a parking on 1200 places and a supermarket.

    In each apartment there will be own balcony, and also a window which leaves on the market area. The project is planned to construct by 2014th year. The general investments into the project makes 175 million euro. The building total area will make 100,000 sq. m.

    Apartment in Rotterdam

    Habitation in Rotterdan

    Market area


    Apartment house Rotterdam

    The project is symbolical enough, but is conceived as new city typology; this steady combination of products and meal, leisure, habitation and a parking.

    VIA «Rotterdam supermarket»

  • Aqua Tower by Studio Gang

    Aqua Tower by Studio Gang
    New Aqua Tower

    Aqua Tower (Chicago)

    Each skyscraper in Chicago is continuation of History of Skyscrapers which has begun for a city in 1885 with building Home Insurance Building. "Tower" in height of 42 meters (plus two floors have been completed in 1891, having finished height to 50 meters) became the first-ever building exceeding level in five floors. New Aqua Tower — height of 250 meters, the sculptural facade of a structure creating illusion of waves is unique.

    The Unique Architectural Structure

    Calcareous rocks, characteristic for area of Great Lakes became a prototype of a wavy facade.
    Such architectural decision it has not only visual value, and is functional; waves are used as viewing platforms, and also a shadow veil.
    Building parameters; 82 floors, 250 meters in height, 215 hotel rooms (with 1 on 18 floor), 476 apartments (with 19 on 52 floor), 5,100 sq. m. trading and office areas, an underground parking, a 8-storeyed cellar a total area of 32,000 sq. m., a terrace with gardens, pools, arbors, paths for walks and run.

    The New Aqua Tower

    Aqua Tower
    New tower in Chicago
    Skyscraper in Chicago

    VIA «Aqua Tower by Studio Gang»

  • Steven Holl Architects have connected buildings in a multipurpose hybrid

    Steven Holl Architects have connected buildings in a multipurpose hybrid

    Multipurpose hybrid

    Steven Holl Architects have finished building of the multipurpose complex consisting of eight towers connected among themselves.

    The project has been named by the Best High-rise Building 2009 in Asia and Australia in competition which has taken place under home nursing Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat. In a complex premises, hotel, a cinema, a children's garden, school, an underground parking, the commercial areas, public park are provided.


    Eight towers are connected among themselves by a series of high-rise bridges which, by analogy to skyscrapers, have been named “skybridges”.

    Architects hope, that this project will award Gold LEED Gold Certification, as the largest "green" multipurpose building. Geothermal wells under the base provide with depth of 100 metres heating in the winter and cooling in the summer.

    The pond in the complex centre will detain the processed water used in buildings, in the winter a pond will freeze and turn to a skating rink.

    High-rise Building

    VIA «Steven Holl Architects have connected buildings in a multipurpose hybrid»

  • Life on the Moon

    Life on the Moon

    Concrete Moon

    «Not a secret, that each of us is drawn by personal fears, and at times they, our fears clear up such desires which we admit to nobody», — the architect of the Concrete Moon, Antonino Cardillo philosophises. — «People always are surprised, how the culture on different continents is unlike. But it seems to me, the difference in cultures is rather doubtful. And it is frequent, as it is paradoxical, discrepancies become the unique tool in search of own individuality».

    Half of building

    The Concrete House in suburb of Melbourn

    Uniqueness of the Concrete House just in not similarity of two half. The building is constructed by request of the private person, on a rectangular site, in suburb of Melbourn. It's divided on two excellent from each other parts: one — for public — is similar to the turned ship or on the amusing concrete moon which follows directly from a lobby. Such design — an unexpected deviation from a direct way.

    The Second — private — half of building is similar to a narrow and long case on which perimetre the gallery with an exit in a garden lasts.

    Excellent house

    Similarity and Distinctions

    «Each of two so unlike parts introduces the mite in creation of the general harmony of the house», — the architect adds. Details of one half of building unexpectedly arise in another though are developed by different principles. So the concept of this house falls outside the limits simple understanding about two half conflicting among themselves. Design elements are interconnected, and sounding of one finds an echo in other. Especially well it is visible in a main hall in which visitors have doubts: where similarity comes to an end and distinctions begin.

    VIA «Life on the Moon»

  • The Gore Hill Park (Sydney)

    The Gore Hill Park (Sydney)
    Innovative park

    The Innovative Park in Australia

    The new project of mixed use located in the north of Sydney, with the budget in 400 million dollars, urged to "plant trees and shrubs" in business. Developed by architects GHD, Innovative park Gore Hill is the newest building object Lindsay Bennelong Developments before which it's necessary to connect a problem ecological stability to business innovations.
    Project Gore Hill will be the first technological business park received five stars AGBA and rating Green Star in Australia. In located on the former areas of studios ABC in Gore Hill, on the bottom part of northern coast of Sydney, business park, the area in 4.6 hectares, provides convenient places for offices, and as spaces under retail shops and the entertaining centers — including a separate site for retail trade in plaza-style, a zone of municipal departments, motor shows, the aqua-center, and also foot and bicycle paths.

    The Australian Innovative Project

    Australian project

    “Project of a glass cube so typical for given area is not pleasant to us”, main architect GHD Nando Nicotra speaks. “From the very beginning of the project we wished to create the unique building corresponding to aesthetic ideals, and have decided, that it's necessary to concentrate attention to appearance of a building”.
    The given project, example of modern innovative architecture, also is realization of various innovations on ecological stability — including repeated capture of superseded heat, effective system of lifts and a central air “chilled beam”. It guarantees that the project will receive a five-stars rating and will set the tendency of new level of requirements to the future industrial and commercial projects. At present works on district to start building in January, 2009 are conducted.

    VIA «The Gore Hill Park (Sydney)»