Merry Wanderer of the Night [Search results for crafts

  • Bookish Crafts: Long Stitch

    Bookish Crafts: Long Stitch

    I feel like I've spent more time making books than reading books as of late. I'm enjoying taking two art classes this semester but it is a lot of work. These four books probably took me about ten hours last week. The bottom two were my first tries which is why there is so much sewing. I didn't really think that through-- it took forever.

    The bottom one is 60 pages, so 120 front and back.

    Some of them have flaps which is nice. The one picture above probably turned out to be my favorite. I glued two sheets of paper together to strengthen the paper for sewing. Everything turned out nice and even. I'm looking forward to using this one as a journal once I finish the journal I'm currently using. I have so many books I've made I don't know what to do with them all! I'm making at least 11 more this semester and already have 18. Who knew I'd end up with so many journals?

    I am an Amazon Affiliate. If you make a purchase using one of my links I will earn a small percentage which will then go back into this blog.

  • Bookish Crafts: Case Binding

    Bookish Crafts: Case Binding

    I finally made some real books! These took many hours of blood, sweat, and tears. Totally worth it though. I have some nice hardcover books.

    Look at the nice wide spines!

    I was really pleased with the different cloths I picked.

    The endsheets on the books.

    These were by far the most challenging books I've made this semester but they were also the most rewarding in the end. I felt like there were several opportunities to check your work along the way.

  • Bookish Crafts: Boxes

    Bookish Crafts: Boxes

    Boxes were the last assignment for my bookbinding class and in my opinion they were the most fun. In bookbinding boxes are typically used as enclosures for books, but mine are just fun little boxes for things around the house.

    I am really glad bookbinding is over. Bookbinding is fun and rewarding, but it also takes a great deal of time and patience. Many weeks I spent ten hours or more on making books, which is pretty challenging as an undergraduate. I do like having things to show for taking a class though. In the future I would like to continue making books on my own since they are fun projects. It will also probably be less stressful when I know I won't be graded on them!

    I am an Amazon Affiliate. If you make a purchase using one of my links I will earn a small percentage which will then go back into this blog.

  • Bookish Crafts: Hardcover Pamphlets

    Bookish Crafts: Hardcover Pamphlets

    Last week I showed off my pamphlets, or the first books I've ever made. I've been hard at work on my hardcover pamphlets now and I'm about halfway done. Here are the two I have finished.

    The two hardcover pamphlets.

    End sheets on books. The yellow one doesn't have an end sheet.

    Bindings on my books.

    I'm happy with how these turned out. I really love this paper I got at the Paper Nest. It's super forgiving and beautiful. I especially like the blue grey paper with the white design. I'm almost out of it and I will be so sad when it's gone! But I'm looking forward to picking out more paper. The covers on the yellow pamphlet aren't lined up perfectly which really bothers me, but I have two more books to try and get it perfect before I turn these in.

    When I first started bookbinding I was easily frustrated by all the things I had to think about, but I feel like I'm getting the hang of it.

    I am an Amazon Affiliate. If you make a purchase using one of my links I will earn a small percentage which will then go back into this blog.

  • Books With Love Hop: Bonk Giveaway

    Books With Love Hop: Bonk Giveaway
    Once Upon a Twilight

    Happy Valentine's Day! In order to celebrate I am joining in on the Books With Love Hop hosted by Good Choice Reading and One Upon a Twilight. The giveaway closes on February 16, 2011. This giveaway is only open to the United States and Canada. This time around I'm giving away a copy of the same book I got for myself for Valentine's Day-- Bonk: The Curious Coupling of Science and Sex

    by Mary Roach. This is a nonfiction book about, well, sex. I haven't read it personally, but I've heard nothing but good things about Mary Roach and I thought Valentine's Day would be a good time to dissect the topic a little further.

    I think you'll enjoy this book if whether you are in a relationship or not. If you'd like to enter the giveaway please fill out the form below. Note: You do not have to be a follower to enter this giveaway, but followers will get extra entries.

    This giveaway is now closed. Thank you to everyone who entered!

    If this is your first time at English Major's Junk Food please take a minute to look around! You can check out the About Me or if you're in for the short side of things: I'm an English major blogging about nonfiction, literary fiction, and YA books as well as comics, bookish crafts, and environmentalism. Thanks for stopping by!

    Be sure to check out the other great giveaways:

    I am an Amazon Affiliate. If you make a purchase using one of my links I will earn a small percentage which will then go back into this blog.

  • WG 2009-04 Round-up: Passions!

    Weekly Geeks assignment 2009-04 was the brainchild of Chris of Book-a-rama. Inspired by our founder Dewey's passion for knitting, Chris wanted to know about our passions aside from reading and blogging:

    What are you passionate about besides reading and blogging? For example, are you crafty (knitting, woodworking, scrapbooking, model building)? Do you cook? Into gaming (computer or board)? Sports (player or spectator)? Photography? Maybe you like geocaching, rock climbing? Or love attending events like renaissance fairs, concerts? Music? Dancing? You get the idea.

    Tell us why you're passionate about it. Post photos of what you've made or of yourself doing whatever it is you love doing.
    Chris also asked us to share outside links ("tutorials, recipes, YouTube videos, websites, fan sites, etc, anything that will help us learn more about your interest or how to do your hobby") related to our passions, and to visit other Weekly Geeks to learn more about their passions.

    Bogsider at Lous_Pages wondered whether she had an answer to this question at first:

    Passionate is such a big word. But then again, I do know that I do not have to take the meaning literally and that if I translate it to something like "what are your other interests" it applies (and appeals) more to me. I can see the gap between being passionate about something and having an interest in something. But taken literally, I am not red-hot with passion over anything. But I am interested in a lot of things, and definitely, I feel more interested in some things over others. And there are of course things which I am very interested in and spend a lot of time doing or thinking about. Surely.

    Framed in those terms, Bogsider did have some passions to share. She is close to completing a master's degree in Egyptology, an interest which allows her to pursue two other favorite activities, photography and travel. Photography is a hobby mentioned by several other Weekly Geeks, too. A few folks, like work their photographs into another one of their passions - scrapbooking, either traditional, like Erin at Crazy Comma Momma, or digital, like Tasses of Random Wonder.

    When they're not holding a book, Weekly Geeks seem to like using their hands for needlework crafts like crochet and cross-stitch are popular. Knitting is a favorite pastime of Julie from Booking Mama, while Yati of "Fiddle-de-dee's not English" is one of the Geeks who enjoys patchwork and quilting. Some geeks express their creativity through drawing and painting, like Claire at Kiss a Cloud and Sarah from Puss Reboots, and Care of Care's Online Book Club makes mosaics.

    But even though they love to read and blog and be creative, Weekly Geeks like to get outside once in a while too. Some Geeks enjoy working in their gardens. Some enjoy working with animals, like Wendy of Caribousmom and Bookish Ruth, while Gavin of Page 247 is a volunteer Beach Naturalist. One Weekly Geek, UnfinishedPerson, is preparing to run his first marathon this summer.

    And every now and then, a Geek likes to come out from behind her books and entertain people. Ali of Worducopia sings with a choir, and Joanna from It's All About Me performs in plays and musicals.

    Weekly Geeks are definitely more than just bookworms!

  • Bookish Crafts: Pamphlets

    Bookish Crafts: Pamphlets

    I'm currently taking a bookbinding class, which means I've spent the last two weeks learning the basics of bookmaking. This means pamphlets. I made six pamphlets, two each of three different kinds. Here are the fruits of my labor:

    All of my books in a row.

    French folds, or folding the cover over the book so the stitching does not show.

    Double pamphlet (two groups of pages) with a wrapper cover (cover wraps around end sheets).

    Fore-edge turn ins, two different end sheets with a cover wrapping around the first end sheet.

    Chain stitches on the fore-edge turn ins.
    I'm pretty pleased with the way all of these turned out. The bigger books were my first go around and they didn't turn out as well as the smaller books my second time. If I were going to do things over I would make smaller books for my first try and use more supplies on my second tries. Live and learn.

    Have you ever made a book? Would you like to?

    I am an Amazon Affiliate. If you make a purchase using one of my links I will earn a small percentage which will then go back into this blog.

  • Day One of My Halloween Horror Marathon!

    Day One of My Halloween Horror Marathon!

    Those that know me well know that I LOVE horror books and movies. I attempted to read and review only horror books for the month of October. Well, it's the end of October and you can clearly see that hasn't happened. Instead, I'm doing a mini-marathon of horror for Halloween week (thanks for the idea, Becky!)

    My first horror book for the week is Bentley Little's The Academy. No particular reason for starting off horror week with this book, it just happened to be the first book I grabbed off of my overwhelming and overflowing horror bookshelf.

    From Publisher's Weekly :
    School principal Jody Hawkes, known for being easygoing, decides to turn John Tyler High into a charter school without notifying any of her staff. At first, as Jody promises additional freedom and autonomy, most faculty embrace the changes-but it soon becomes clear that a evil bait and switch is underway. Students and faculty who embrace the charter get steadily darker and more sadistic; teachers and students who oppose the charter find strange things happening and people disappearing; and the school seems to have taken on a life of its own. The resolution is painfully simple, but overall Little crafts a tightly allegorical piece of horror.

    Stay tuned for my review! Also be on the lookout for my reviews of Heather Graham's DEADLY HARVEST, and a special Halloween guest post by the author of INSIDE A HAUNTED MIND and THE DIGGER'S REST, K.Patrick Malone!

    And, to enter to win a ghoulish grab bag of Halloween goodies, please comment below about your favorite horror novel or movie!