I’m a member of an amazing online bookclub, Pageturners. We formed after Oprah reinstated her book club about 5 years ago. In that time, we’ve grown to be close friends. Together we have experienced the birth of one "Pageturner Baby" and at least 4 "Pageturner Grandbabies". Our members range in age from late twenties to early fifties. We live all over North America—CA, OR, MO, TX, MS, FL, MD, NY, VA and Canada. In the past few years, we’ve tried to arrange an annual Pageturner Convention. The first “official” convention took place in CA, last year was MD, and this year Pageturners hit D.C.!
The convention took place over a long weekend. We visited the Library of Congress and saw Thomas Jefferson’s amazing library. We walked up to the Capitol and then down to view the Washington Monument, WWII Memorial, and the White House. Our final full day together was spent in historic Harpers Ferry VA.
Do you belong to a bookclub, online or face to face? Do you plan gatherings like this, or do your book clubs meet just to discuss books?
Caption: Pageturners in front of Capitol Building. From L-R: Vicki (MD), Sherry (MO), Jenn (VA), Tracy (NY), Marie (FL) and Toni (CA)