“Alice” was abducted by Ray when she was ten years old. Five years later, she’s a skeleton of the young, vibrant girl she used to be. She’s sustained unspeakable physical and mental abuse at the hands of Ray. She begs each day just to die. Then, Ray asks her find him a new girl. And so, Alice begins the search for her replacement, her salvation. LIVING DEAD GIRL is a dark and terrifying look into the life of an abused teen. While this book is geared to teens, there are bits that aren’t overly graphic but would still be too shocking and detailed for a young teen. Although this is a very short book, it is powerful and memorable. A book so disturbing you’ll want to put it down, but so compelling that you are forced to continue. This book, and the “Alices” out there will be on my mind for some time. It has been quite some time since a book has impacted me so powerfully.
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