After blogging for over a year now, I figure it was about time I created an "About Me" page!
I'm a full-time working mom with an amazingly supportive husband, John, and two boys John-John (9) and Justin (3). We live in the DC metro area. I work at a non-profit and provide chapter support (leadership training, conference planning, etc.).
I've been reviewing books for around 10 years now, but decided to take the plunge and create a blog in March of 2008. Reading has always been a big part of my life. Since I can remember, I've always had a book nearby or a book in hand. I began blogging about books because I love to discuss and recommend books.
My oldest son was/is an reluctant reader, so blogging has actually improved our relationship because I've been able to discover books that interest him. He begs to read each night, so that brings such joy to my life!
My husband, boys & I also have two cats ,Sylvester (tuxedo cat), Jadzea (tortoise shell) and a dog, Jack (Doxie/Chihuahu Mix).
Thanks for taking the time to learn more about me! If you have any questions about my reviews, the books I blog about, or about me in general, please stop by my Contact Me page or email me at jennsbookshelf@gmail.com.