Following is my original "Bloggiesta To Do List."
- Write backlog reviews
- Clean up my labels for my posts (Done!)
- Write my meme posts for the next two weeks (One week completed)
- Cleaned up sidebars, made it a bit more organized
- Created About Me Page
- Added tabs to my header, therefore assisting with the clean-up of my sidebars.
- Reorganized my review calendar
- Reorganized my pending review books
In addition, I completed the following challenges:
- Rebecca at The Book Lady’s Blog -feed reader challenge
- Emily from Emily’s Reading Room - Are you talking about me? (I actually already use Google Alerts)
- Deborah from Books, Movies, and Chinese Food - You have a blog? So tell me about it.
- Trish from Hey Lady! Watcha Readin’? - On favicons and gravatars. Huh? (I already have a favicon and gravatar, so I'm not sure if this counts or not!)
To all that participated, congratulations, and you all did a fabulous job! Thanks to all the cheerleaders and advice givers on twitter!!