Years ago when Greg and his first wife amicably divorced, Greg wanted to do something to show his daughter Meagan just how much he loved her so she knew that even though he wasn't with her every day she was always in his heart. So Greg wrote and compiled Why a Daughter Needs a Dad: 100 Reasons
, using his own photographs.
This endearing gift book lists 100 reasons why a daughter needs a dad. A few include:
A daughter needs a dad...
- ...to learn that when he says it will be okay soon, it will.
- ...to teach her what it means to always be there.
- ...who gives her refuge, in a home secured with faith.
Thanks to Sourcebooks, I have 10, yes 10, copies of WHY A DAUGHTER NEEDS A DAD to give away!
To enter:
- for one entry, comment below.
- for additional entries, blog/tweet about this contest. Please be sure to link directly to your post/tweet or the entry will not be counted.
- An email address must be included in order for the entry to be valid.
In addition, check out a few of Lang's other books, perfect for Father's Day!
Why I Love Grandpa: 100 Reasons
Why a Son Needs a Dad: 100 Reasons