Holly Frick has recently divorced from her husband. To make things worse, she's still in love with him. She's desperate to find happiness in her life. She meets 22 year-old man she meets at a baby shower. He makes her feel young again, and on the surface she's happy. She decides to adopt a rescue dog. When her friends and family learn that she's adopted a dog with a brain tumor, they are certain she's headed on a downward spiral toward depression.
Her friend, Amanda, is married with a young son. Her life seems perfect to Holly. Then Amanda confesses she is having a "relationship" with Jack. It starts out with innocent emails and phone calls, but eventually turns sexual. In a strange turn of events, Amanda introduces Holly to Jack, and after Amanda decides to call it quits, Jack and Holly begin dating. Once again, Holly appears to be happy on the outside...
Spence is Holly's pre-marriage ex-boyfriend. Her moderately popular novel is loosely based on their relationship. Spence has an addiction to women and is incapable of sustaining a monogamous relationship. One of his "current" girlfriends learns of his infidelity and calls Holly, desperate to get some inside knowledge on what makes Spence tick. At first, Spence is outraged when he learns of this covert communication, but eventually sees it as an reason to reevaluate the life he has been leading.
Dunn does a wonderful job of providing depth to each of the characters without overwhelming the reader. They are each on a journey to seek out happiness and many find love and happiness in the most unexpected places. They are all very realistic characters with "real" emotions and faults that anyone can relate to. Secrets to Happiness is a hilariously honest look at the lives of these characters and their successes and failures in life and love.
I would be remiss not to mention the cover of the book. Talk about cover attraction! How can you say no to a face like that!?
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