Week One Update!
I'm happy to say I survived week one!
The toughest part at first was drinking the 3 liters of water. But by the third day, I was able to do it easily (and without my kidneys yelling at me!). I also had problems the first few days planning out meals since I didn't have the book yet. But I received it last Wednesday, and basically just planned meals based using the F.Y.T. (Flatten Your Tummy) list and avoided those on the F.L.A.B.B. (Fat-Loading and Belly-Bloating) list.
My "meal off" was last Tuesday. It's tradition at our house to have pizza on Tuesday, so I wanted to share in that tradition. Even though it was my "meal off" I still kept my portions small and only had one slice.
Saturday, the 4th of July, was my "off" day. I did this for two reasons: I wanted to enjoy all the wonderful food my husband was planning to make and I also wanted to be able to enjoy a nice burrito from Chipotle. Well, I was able to enjoy the BBQ, but found out Chipotle was closed on the 4th :(. Oh well..I'll just hold out until this weekend!
I'm really happy with the way I've been feeling. The exercise is giving me more energy. The water has made my skin glow and keeps my appetite surpressed. I've noticed my pants feel more lose than they did just a week ago. I'm happy to announce that in week one, I lost 6 lbs!! Now, I know my weight loss won't continue to be this fast/easy, but I'm willing to work for it!
Week Two Update!
I've survived yet another week! I lost 2 lbs this week, so that makes a grand total of 8 lbs!
All aspects of the diet are coming easier now. The three liters of water is natural and I've discovered some really great healthy receipes to make for my family. Last night, we had chicken steamed rice (steamed, instead of fried!) with brown rice. I cut up about 2 large chicken breast and grilled them. At the same time, I was steaming some brown rice. I mixed the two together, added some veggies we had left over from earlier in the week, and Voila! I added a touch of soy sauce to add a bit of zing to eat. My boys loved it, and didn't even notice that it wasn't fried rice!
On my day off, I was finally able to partake in the Chipotle burrito I'd been craving for two weeks. It was delicious, but boy did I fell disgusting afterward! I'm definitely not used to eating that much at one time!
I also found myself following my "healthy" rituals even on my day off. I continued to drink the water, exercised, and got my full 7 hours (actually 9!) of sleep.
I'm very impressed in the change in me! I plan to continue on some of the aspects of the Game On Diet even after the challenge is over.
Ok, so here are the scores at the end of week two:
HoHos Week 1 (682) plus Week 2 (645) = running total: 1327
Twinkies Week 1 (775.60) plus Week 2 (734.80) = running total: 1510.40
DingDongs Week 1 (794.60) plus Week 2 (838.80) = running total: 1633.40
Impressive, eh!?