This week's Weekly Geeks asks you to tell us about your globe trotting via books. Are you a global reader? How many countries have you "visited" in your reading? What are your favorite places or cultures to read about? Can you recommend particularly good books about certain regions, countries or continents? How do you find out about books from other countries? What countries would you like to read that you haven't yet?
Use your own criteria about what you consider to be "visiting" -- whether a book is written about the country or by a native or resident of the country.
For fun, create one of these maps at this website ticking off the countries you've read books from - you might be surprised how many (or how few!) countries you've read. Include the map in your blog post if you're so inclined.
Feel free to tell us about any actual world traveling you've done in addition to your literary travels.
When you're done with your post, come back here and sign Mr. Linky with the post address. Then be sure to visit your fellow Geeksters to see where in the world they've been. Happy traveling!