This week Caribousmom asked us to discuss our countries' search for independence or national holidays. In addition, we could talk about our summer reading lists. Here's what participants came up with.
*Sheri from A Novel Menagerie and Jason from Moored at Sea discussed what America means to them.
*Pussreboots talked about her memories of the Bicentennial in 1976. Very cool!
*Rikki educated us on Reunification Day in Germany. Thank you, Rikki.
*Crime fiction fan The Unfinished Person from Just a Reading Fool provided us with a summer reading list and Icedream from Reading In Appalachia gave us a list of books that make her think of freedom and summer.
*Canadians Bookworm Kristen and Chris from book-a-rama discussed Canada Day and Canadian books.
*Finally, Diane from The Book Resort joined us for the first time this week. She gave us a list of the books she was looking forward to reading this summer.
Thanks to all the participants this week. Can't wait to see what the topic will be for next week!