Last year, I saw a movie, I think it was called Definitely, Maybe, that got me to thinking. In this movie, one of the girls was on a quest to find a particular copy of Jane Eyre, I forget now the specific reason why. But in the process of her search, she ended up with this massive collection of Jane Eyre books, from all sorts of places and years and styles. She had a shelf that went all the way around her room, filled with these wonderful Jane Eyre books.
It made me wish I had a collection like hers, a collection of one particular title, in all it's various versions.
So, Weekly Geeksters, tell us, do you have a collection, (or are you starting a collection,) of one particular book title? If so, what's your story? Why that book, and how many do you have, and what editions are they? Share pictures and give us all the details.
Or perhaps you dream about starting such a collection. What title would it be and what would it take for you to get motivated to start collecting?
Or maybe it's the works of a particular author you collect (or want to collect) instead a certain book title?
Once you've written about your collection (or dream collection) be sure sign Mr. Linky with your post and don't forget to visit other Geeksters to see what they're collecting!