I spent the majority of my time reading this week, but I lost some steam towards the end. I finished Sandra Gulland's The Last Great Dance on Earth, George Eliot's Middlemarch, and Syrie James' The Secret Diaries of Charlotte Bronte. Click on the titles of the books to read my reviews.
I read all of those while I was still at school, and once Thanksgiving came I got busy with other things. I have started Jane Austen's Northanger Abbey and Thomas Kohnstamm's Do Travel Writers Go to Hell? So far I am really enjoying the former and not enjoying the latter. Hopefully I will finish both of those this week. I would also like to start The White Garden by Stephanie Barron.
The next two weeks are going to be pretty awful for me because I have three papers to write and a creative writing portfolio due. On the bright side, I am approaching this in a good way, at least I think so. I am going to spend one hour on each thing every night. I think this will work because the easiest ones are due first and the hardest ones are due last, so I should spend the right amount of time on every one. The other good thing about this is that four hours of homework is the last amount of homework I've had all semester. Hurrah!
I just got back to my dorm room now and I am amazingly relieved to be in it. I wasn't looking forward to coming back because I have so much work to get done. Now that I'm back I know I will be able to focus.
Last by not least, I am going to take a homework break next week and participate in Dreadlock Girl's Readathon. It is Saturday, December 5, and if anyone else would like to spend a day reading I suggest you join too!