Thanks to everyone who joined in on my meme, I saw some great quotes up there! I was hoping I would be done with Jane and the Unpleasantness of Scargrave Manor by now, but I've got about forty-five pages left. After this I'm going to read Shirley Volume One by Karou Mori, which is a graphic novel about young maids in Victorian England. I wanted to read more of Emma by Karou Mori, which also takes place in Victorian England, but I only have volume three and I haven't read volume two yet. I'm kicking myself for that one, but maybe I'll be able to snatch it next week.
Here is my Chick Loves Lit meme: I am mostly reading in my bed today, although when I was at work I was sitting at the front desk.
Name of the book you're currently reading: Jane and the Unpleasantness at Scargrave Manor.
Wanting Most: A cleaner desk.
Something you like to do besides read: Watch Friends Season Dvds.
Fact about yourself: I love going to Iowa's theatre productions and I keep all of the programs.
Activity you would be doing today if it weren't for the read-a-thon: Writing papers and doing homework.
Updated Stats:
Books Read: Jane and the Unpleasantness at Scargrave Manor and Are You There God? It's Me Margaret
Pages Read: 85
Total Books Finished: 1
Total Pages Read: 392
Total Time Spent Reading: 10 hours
Memes Completed: I Heart Monster's Compliments
and Reads4Pleasure's Hero/Heroine Vs. Dick Dastard and my own meme, Favorite Classics.