This week's post is from Trisha at Eclectic/Eccentric...thanks Trish!
Books take us on journeys, flitting us off to other times, people, and places. From ancient caves to medieval castles to modern skyscrapers; from delicate geishas to turn of the century immigrants to future captains of spaceships; books are our path to other worlds. But what about the journey we give our books? What path do books take through our hands?
How do you choose what to read? Is it random or planned? Based on your mood, challenges, titles, covers, topic?
What process do you use for reading? Do you take notes while reading? Annotate your books? Just read?
What happens when you are done reading? Do you wait to review or write immediately? Do you revisit and revise before posting?
What other tasks do you go through after reading a book? Is your blog the only place you post a review? Do you keep lists of readings? Catalog genre, page numbers, gender of authors, etc.?
What happens to the book when you are done with it? Does it end up in your home library? Go back to a public library? BookMooch?
Overall, if you had to give someone a "How To" list for your dealings with any particular book, what would it look like?
As usual, leave the link to your post in Mr Linky...and have fun with Trisha's questions!