If you're anything like me, the books you choose to read reflect your mood which is often reflected by the season in which you find yourself. I love reading Chick-Lit in the summer months when my mood is light and carefree, but in January and February I find myself immersed in classics, mysteries and chunksters.
Many of us are in the midst of winter - digging out snow laden driveways, bundling up in multiple layers of clothing, enjoying comfort foods, and curling up in front of woodstoves and fireplaces with a good book.
For this week's Weekly Geeks, share with us the books which call out to you during the cold, wintry months. Are there genres which appeal to you most? Why do you think you are drawn to these types of books during winter? Do you have some book recommendations for other readers who are looking for some escape from the blustery weather? Give us some of your favorites and tell us why you recommend them.
As "extra credit" why not share some photos of what the weather looks like outside your home...or where you curl up to read when 'the weather outside is frightening.'
As always, come back here and use Mr. Linky below to link directly to your post...and make sure to visit other Geeks and leave them a comment!