This upcoming week is going to be pretty crazy for me. As I mentioned yesterday I have Midterms all week and I actually have tests this time around. I'm not so used to having a lot of tests, but I don't think it's going to be as bad as I originally planned. When Thursday comes I will finally be free! And then I get to go to New York!
I read a post at Books and Movies about Bedtime Reading Rituals. What I love about her schedule is that she incorporates so many different genres, genres that I haven't been paying enough attention to. This post got me thinking about my own bedtime reading, which is pretty much nonexistent. I usually just read what ever book I'm reading at the time and that is it. I wish that I could get some sort of reading regimen going on before bed but I just don't know if I have time for it. I love essays though, and I haven't read nearly enough this year. Over Spring Break I think I might try to get into a bedtime reading schedule and we'll see if I can keep it up through the rest of the semester.
This week I participated in the Thaw Blogsplash and posted a review of Ophelia Joined the Group Maidens Who Don't Float: Classic Lit Signs on to Facebook. I sent you all to check out the article about in The Daily Iowan, University of Iowa's newspaper. This article actually got my parents looking at my blog (hi mom and dad!). Finally, I posted a video about my name crisis experience and the Kevin Henkes' book Chrysanthemum.
And now I have to talk about something amazing. I know my blog is about reading, but one of my other passions is music. Since I've come to college I haven't been as interested in new music as I was when I was in high school. I don't know what it is, but I just don't see the point of buying new music when all I ever want to listen to is listen to Belle and Sebastian. Amazingly enough I made a mixed CD on Friday night! Making mixes was my absolute favorite thing to do in high school and I was so happy to be in the mood for it again. I'll admit, the songs I picked were songs I always listen to. So here is the last song from my mix- enjoy!
Happy reading (and listening/viewing)!