The winner of of the Strand NYC bag is Lisa from Lit and Life. Congratulations Lisa and thanks to everyone else who entered! This bag is part of a giveaway from my trip to New York City.
Today's post is going to be short and sweet because I'm still recovering from my amazing Saturday. What made it so amazing? Here is a quick summary for you: Coffee with my friend Hanna, blogger at The Art Blotter. The fabulous Eula Biss reading (and cheese fries). Sharing Chinese food with the boyfriend. Camera Obscura concert! And finally, The Real Face of Jesus on the History Channel. Best. Day. Ever.
Here are the books I read in the amazing (reading wise) month of March.
1. Aurora Floyd by Mary Elizabeth Braddon (A)
2. Emma Volume Three by Kaoru Mori (A)
3. Dawn of the Dreadfuls by Steve Hockensmith (B)
4. The Creation of Eve by Lynn Cullen (A)
5. The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath (A)
6. Shortcomings by Adrian Tomine (A)
7. I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou (A)
8. Proof by Seduction by Courtney Milan (B)
9. How to Read Literature Like a Professor by Thomas C. Foster (B)
Nine books! I was pretty happy with that. My favorite book was definitely The Creation of Eve with a close second being The Bell Jar. My least favorite was probably How to Read Literature Like a Professor, which I had high hopes for and they weren't quite fulfilled. Honestly though, I didn't dislike any book I read in March and I would recommend all of them!