National Library Week is coming up in the U.S. April 11-17, and April is School Libraries Month (2010 is the 25th anniversary). This got me wondering about the state of libraries around the globe.
What's your earliest memory of a library? What was it like for you? Were you more likely to hang out in the gym or the library when you were in school?
How's the health of the library system in your community? How do you support your local library? How often do you check out books from the library vs. buying books? Tell us what your favorite library is like and include some photos if you can.
I came across the Support Your Local Library challenge today on Home Girl's blog and took it as a good sign that over 370 people were signed up for the challenge. And it's not too late to sign up!
Award-winning author Laurie Halse Anderson believes that “school libraries are the foundation of our culture, not luxuries.” Below is a short video of her speaking to some high school students in New York. Do you agree with her? Do you think libraries are in danger because of the internet?
Can you name this famous library?

Speak to any of these questions on your Weekly Geeks blog post. Be sure to sign Mr. Linky with the direct link to your post, and visit your fellow WGers, as well as your local library, this week!

Edited to add: Don't forget the 24 hour Readathon is next Saturday, April 10th. Read all about it here.