P.A.B.D. has plagued me on and off for my entire life. I know many bookworms who are faced with the same problem. Please read on to see if you have PABD and see how you can help yourself or others suffering from this disorder.
So what is P.A.B.D.?
Post Amazing Book Depression - The over-whelming sad feeling one gets after finishing a great book.
Signs of P.A.B.D.
- missing characters
------- ex. I wonder what Katsa and Po are doing.
------- ex. Do you think Cat and Bones will get married?
------- ex. If she doesn't choose Eric, I don't know how I'll survive.
* hearing songs that remind you of certain characters/scenes
- constant rereading of the same book
- stalking of the author
* Googling interviews in which the book (or series) are mentioned
* joining multiple fansites
- lack of interest in other books
* wandering around the bookstore/library picking up and putting back books
How to live with P.A.B.P.
- Find other books by the same author.
- Search for books with similar themes.
* Use Amazon to see what others are buying that liked the book.
- Have a rebound book.
- Force a friend to read the book
* You will then have someone to endlessly discuss the book with.
Books Known to Cause PABD
* Harry Potter by J. K. Rowling
* Twilight by Stephenie Meyer
* The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger
* Sookie Stackhouse/Southern Vampire Series by Charlaine Harris
* The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
Have you had PABD?
What book caused it? How did you deal with it?
* For more information on PABD or to steal a warning banner to use in your reviews head over to www.25hourbooks.com