In case you don't know me, I like to make up medical sounding names for my book obsessions. For example: P.A.B.D.. I'd now like to introduce Shiny Book Syndrome. This is usually accompanied by a book hording problem yet to be named.
So what is Shiny Book Syndrome? It is when a person only wants to read their newest book and leave piles of poor unread books on their shelves to collect dust.
What can you do to alleviate the symptoms?
My first suggestion would be to make a list of all the books you own. I use GoogleDocs. I start by creating a form and then can organize the spreadsheet to see what I have and if I've read it yet or not. (For more info on how to do this, go here).
After you know what you have, I'd suggest jumping in on some reading challenges to motivate you to read the books you already own. Here are some challenges designed just for that!
- Bottoms Up Reading Challenge hosted by Ellz Readz
- read books from the bottom of your TBR pile
- A-Buck-A-Book Challenge hosted by DelGal’s Book Reviews
- save a $1 for every book your read
- Buy One Book and Read It Challenge hosted by My Friend Amy
- this seems backwards… me telling you to buy a book… the catch is you HAVE to read the book you buy
- this seems backwards… me telling you to buy a book… the catch is you HAVE to read the book you buy
- Finish That Series Challenge in 2010 hosted by Royal Reviews
- “This is an opportunity for you to finish all of those series that have been sitting on your book shelf looking at you.”
- Read It Again Challenge hosted by Twiga’s Books
- re-reading old books can help with not purchasing new ones
- re-reading old books can help with not purchasing new ones
- Read Your Own Books Challenge for 2010 hosted by MizB’s Reading Challenges
- simple enough… read the books you own! (no rereads allowed)
- Reading From My Shelves Project in 2010 hosted by Bibliophile by the Sea
- min of 20 books and you are asked to pass the books along when you’re done
- 2010 Support Your Local Library Challenge hosted by J. Kaye’s Book Blog
- participants are encouraged to read from their libraries
- TBR Challenge for 2010 hosted by MizB’s Reading Challenges
- “Pick 12 books – one for each month of the year – that you’ve been wanting to read (that have been on your “To Be Read” list) for 6 months or longer, but haven’t gotten around to.)”
- also offered in a “lite” version : TBR Lite for 2010
Do you participate in any of these challenges?