Tomorrow, Saturday, October 9, is the Dewey Readathon! I think this is the fourth readathon I have participated in-- which is kind of amazing because A year ago I'd never done any readathon before ever. I probably won't really shoot to read 24 hours tomorrow, in the past I've reached close to 20 and that's good enough for me. I think I will just read as much as I can and take some homework breaks in between. I'm going to be with my parents tomorrow so hopefully that means my mom will cook me lots of food to eat while I'm reading.
Usually I try to read several short books for readathons because it makes me feel extremely accomplished, but this time around I'm going to read three YA books that have been in my TBR pile for quite awhile. My first priority is to read Splendor and finish the Luxe series for good. I started the series at the beginning of 2010 and it's been a constant for me all year, but I'm ready to find out how it ends. Next is The Book Thief
, which is quite long (550 pages) but I've heard from several people that they could not put this book down, so hopefully I feel the same. And my third book is Shiver
, the first book in the Wolves of Mercy Falls series. When Linger came out a few months ago the cover really struck me and everyone was talking about it. I had never heard of Shiver before, but I love the idea of the book so hopefully I'll enjoy that. The pretty blue ink can't hurt things- right?
One thing I'm doing that I haven't done before is donate to a charity. I have been very upset by the recent young, gay suicides so for every page I read I am going to donate .03 cents to The Trevor Project. If I finish all of my books that amounts to 40.00.
Usually I update every four hours during the readathon and will probably do that tomorrow as well. Good luck to all you readathoners!