Well I woke up later than I meant to this morning, but I am 1/4 of the way into Splendor and I must say it's the perfect book to start my day with because I'm picking up in the middle of one of my favorite book series. I've been at my parent's house in Des Moines all morning because I unexpectedly had to come back yesterday, but shortly after I put this up I will ride back to Iowa City-- a one and half hour drive. Since I'm not driving though hopefully I will get a little bit of reading in.
Pages Read: 94
Books Read: 0
Money raised for Trevor Project: $2.82
Food consumed: Omelette, hashbrowns, orange, and toast (my mom made me breakfast)
Time spent reading: 2 hours
I plan to post more about the Trevor Project later, but I just wanted to give a shout-out to Thomas at My Porch who has decided to join me in donating to the Trevor Project. For every page he reads he will donate 5 cents and for every page I read he will donate another 5 cents-- so I better get reading!
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