As readers we all have our own way of deciding how fast or how slow we add books to our TBR pile and how fast we get through them.
We make list of books, we get recommendations, we drool over the cover art or just hang around in the book section reading excerpt all under the guise of making a decision about what we will delve into next.
If you are like me YOU WILL HAVE A TBR PILE, no if, and or but about it. My print pile is just about everywhere and my ebooks are taking up too much space on my hard drive.
That said…
Once in a while I read a book I have had for years and I think “How the hell did I miss this one? Why did I not read this one before?
Is there a book that has hang around your reading pile for far too long before you got to it, A book that probably got packed away until you accidentally got to it or a book that you read a few pages in and never got back to.
If so share or ask your readers about that book that really made an impression on them (good or bad) after having it or hearing about it for far too long?
Wishing you all a great week.
Please add your links to comments - until Ms. Linky gets placed on the post.