I'll admit right off the bat that I haven't quite finished Angelology yet, but I think this might be a good thing. The ending will be very important to this book as it is supposed to be a thriller of sorts, and it might end up clouding my feelings about the book thus far. And my feelings about this book are a little strange because this is so unlike anything I usually read. Sister Evangeline has found herself amidst an old correspondence between her convent's mother superior and the famous and wealthy Abigail Rockefeller. She isn't the only one trying to understand how the two are related, and in the process she is plunged into a world of secrets that forces her to reevaluate the way she sees the world. Angels do exist, and their descendants are amongst us. They are rich and beautiful, and some of them are well known.
This book has gotten a lot of comparisons to Dan Brown's The Da Vinci Code, which I read several years ago. They are both very exciting books, but Angelology seems to be more well written. That said, Angelology does drag on a bit more because Danielle Trussoni doesn't repeat ideas like Dan Brown does. The book jumps around a lot. We see the story from multiple characters' points of view, we visit their pasts, and we read their journals. Everything moves seamlessly.
Angelology appears to be a very well researched book. I know very little about the Bible or angels, but I put my trust in what she said. There are several "realistic" elements to the book, like diaries, charts, and excerpts from books that actually put you in the adventure. As a lover of nonfiction I always enjoy it when a fiction writer includes these elements to their storytelling. While I said I put my trust in Trussoni I did find that I was wondering about angels as I read through her book. It definitely makes me want to go out and learn more about their history.
I probably haven't been very convincing, so be sure to check out some of the other reviews of this book from TLC Book Tours. I've been purposefully vague throughout this review because it would be so easy for me to ruin this book for you. If you're looking for something to pull you out of your reading slump or are interested in well researched thrillers I suggest you pick this one up. You might be surprised, as I was, by how much you like it. And I get to give two copies of this book away. If you would like to be entered in this giveaway please leave a comment with your email address and the name of one book you recently read that really knocked your socks off. The winners will be chosen randomly. You have until February 4, 2011 at midnight. This giveaway is only open to US/Canada. The winners of this giveaway have been chosen. Thanks to everyone who entered!
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