Merry Wanderer of the Night + TIME

Fairy Tale Fortnight Schedule

It's here!!

Click the button to be taken to the
Fairy Tale Fortnight Main Page & Schedule
(button image via)
It's Fairy Tale Fortnight everyone! And I'm so excited!

This year, things are going to run a little differently than they did last year. Instead of posting an itemized schedule between Misty and myself like last year, we will have separate schedules that link to each other. And this year, because of how busy I've been with work, the content on my site will be a bit different as well (no time to read means I have much less to review.: ( But alas).

ANYWAY — I also owe you all an apology, because I've been thinking this whole time the event officially started Monday & it's taken me until 9:00 Sunday night to realize I've missed a whole day. #fail But I'm here now & raring to go!:)

And, as always, if you are reading a FTF post and want to be taken back HERE to get links to all the other awesome posts, just click the gorgeous button from Misty at the bottom & return!

Sunday April 15 Schedule and welcome!:) Last years highlights

art, book, Event — Fairy Tale Fortnight, fairy tale, review, and more:

Fairy Tale Fortnight Schedule + TIME