So, it's no secret that I love Contemporary Fiction. Or, if it is — I'm going to feel like a failure as a book lover and blogger. Because Contemporary Fiction has been my absolute favorite genre for my whole entire life. I was thinking about this the other day, about how I wanted to do something majorly huge to demonstrate to the whole world just how much I obsess over love Contemporary Fiction.
So, I was thinking out loud on Twitter, asking what people would think of a Contemporary Only Month on the blog. And the response was awesome! It warms my heart to see just how many people really love Contemporary. Shanyn over at Chick Loves Lit was especially helpful, offering ideas and just being her generally awesome self & I thought.. Hmm. I love her blog. I know she loves Contemporary Fiction. I wonder if she'd want to co-host with me. So I asked, she said yes and Viola!:)
So, now that I've talked way to much about why I wanted to have this Contemporary month, I'm going to give you some details.
It is important to know that this is all still a little tentative. Depending on the amount of interest we get from both bloggers and authors, many of the specifics are still liable to change.
This is going to happen in the month of NOVEMBER. The full month of November will be nothing but Contemporary YA on both mine and Shanyn's blogs. Our author spotlights, interviews, book reviews, guest posts, discussion topics, Waiting on Wednesday's etc will all be completely devoted to Contemporary YA.
We would love to have as much participation from other bloggers as possible! We don't really expect anyone else to devote the entire month of November to Contemporary, because that is a really long time (although, if you really wanted to, that's totally awesome too!) But we do want to get more Contemporary love going round! So, pull those Contemporary books off the shelf that you keep pushing down the tbr, grab that review notebook to finally write up those Contemporary reviews you've been meaning to write for months now and brush off your persuasion skills to convince the world that Contemporary is the best.
We hope to get a huge turn out for this, a chance to prove that Contemporary YA really IS well loved by SO many people. We want to get as many people as possible involved, excited and talking, not only about this event, but more importantly, about Contemporary YA in general.
We also have a button and a banner that you can add to your blogs — Katie of KD Designs is the genius behind these fabulous images! Isn't she AMAZING?! So, grab the button for your blog, and use the banner in a post to tell all your friends!
We want to give everyone the opportunity to participate as much as possible, and to post, not only on their own blogs, but to also write guest posts. Because we hope to have a huge amount of interest, we decided to make a Blogger Guest Post Swap for the month. There will be five opportunities to guest post. You are welcome to participate in as many as interest you.
Each of the five guest posts will be assigned a topic and a corresponding week in which they will all post. Below is a list of the post topics and the tentative weeks they will post. There is also a form at the bottom of this post that you can fill out if you are interested. Note — Fill this out even if you aren't 100% sure you will be able to do it. This is to get a general idea of who is interested in what topics. We will be asking in September for a more specific list of who wants to participate and we will be assigning blogging buddies on October 1st. Your blogging buddy is who will post your guest post on their blog, and you will post their guest post on your blog. (Any questions?)
Here is our tentative list of Guest Post Topics-
Week 1: Why I love Contemporary YA
Week 2: The Tough Stuff
Week 3: Romance!!
Week 4: Top Ten Lists!
Week 5: What I'd like to see more of in Contemporary YA
Can't wait to see what this turns into!!