(You can skip this whole post by just clicking THIS LINK RIGHT HERE. Or, you can stick around to read my blatherings on [and lets be honest, you know you love it; P] and then click the same link down below)
Earlier this year, I read and loved Antony John's Five Flavors of Dumb. I haven't reviewed it, because I'm lame like that, but I loved it. Like, a lot. Seriously. It's one of the most intensely unique books I think I've read in a very long time, and seriously — it boasts one of the most fantastically awesome set of characters that I have ever come across. I mean I just... Well, I'll save all my lovin for my review (which will go up sometime, hopefully) soon.
But this post is for something different. Something I never, ever do. I'm going to tell you about a giveaway that someone else is having.
If you haven't already figured it out, Antony John is kind of like, you know, made of win. Many of you know that I'm hosting an event in November devoted entirely to Contemporary YA (and if you don't, shame on you — here is the link to the Just Contemporary Intro post). Given that I seriously loved Five Flavors of Dumb, I really wanted to see if Antony would be interested in participating. And he's totally in!! How exciting is that?!
The paperback release of Dumb is coming up at the end of this month, the 29th if I'm not mistaken, and Antony has set up an awesome giveaway to coincide with this release. He's offering a signed bookplate to anyone who orders a paperback copy and he's also entering anyone who lets him know they purchased a copy into a giant giveaway prize pack of win. It's one of those prize packs that make you go all week and wobbly in the knees.
So go check it out. The full details are available on his blog-
And really, if you haven't discovered the awesomeness that is this book, you should go do that now, so we an be friends again.:)