Merry Wanderer of the Night + read-a-thon

Impromptu Readathon with April

I've been stressing and down all week (and most of last week too) because I'm really behind on my reading and I haven't really had the motivation to read lately. It's seriously bumming me out, because I have a lot of books that I need to get through, especially since Just Contemporary is coming up, and I have a ton planned for that.

SO — Imagine my delight when I get home to see several posts in my GoogleReader talking about how April at Good Books and Good Wine is hosting an Impromptu/Last Minute Read-a-Thon, running from whenever today until October 3rd. It's not a big prize/challenge filled read-a-thon, just a bunch of people getting together to whittle down that towering pile.


My goal, between now and Monday is to read 8 books. I think that it totally possible IF I stay motivated and DO it. Maybe I'll even get more. That would be awesome, but for now, I'm just hoping to get through these books demanding my attention.

I'll probably update this post, but no promises. But, know that I'm excited for the read-a-thon and hope it will help me get my groove back on!:)

Are you read-a-thoning?! Let me know! I LOVE having read-a-thon buddies! We can chant and cheer each other on! Yay for reading lots of books!:)

hope, and more:

Impromptu Readathon with April + read-a-thon