[Credit: Ahram online]
Minister of Antiquities Mamdouh Eldamaty told Ahram Online that the necropolis, in the Gebel Mahran area, includes a collection of tombs called Likoli, which have holes engraved in a rock-hewn wall.
The tomb raiders unearthed a collection of artefacts including 20 clay lamps, 18 glass bottles and a large number of clay pots.
Eldamaty said the pots give us a view of the pot industry during that period.
The ministry of antiquities is to send an archeological mission to the site to continue excavations and reveal more of these tombs.
The Tourism and Antiquities Police caught the criminal red-handed and they are now under investigations.
Author: Nevine El-Aref | Source: Ahram Online [January 20, 2015]