This week has been a little jarring. It was the fourth week of classes, although it didn't really feel like it. Homework is starting to get heavier, and I have a midterm in a little over a week. I can feel the stress coming. When I'm stressed I like to clean, so on Thursday night I decided to reorganize my bookshelves.
I reorganized them by books I have read and books I haven't. I was actually quite pleased when I discovered I've read a lot of my books! The two bookshelves on the left are all books I have read, and the bookshelf on the right are books I have not. The book on top of the middle shelf are books I have not read yet, but those are the books I want to read really soon. The books on the top shelf of the unread shelf are books I'd like to read soonish, and then they decrease in importance as the shelf goes down. I thought maybe when I got to the bottom of the shelf I would find some books I want to get rid of, but I actually want to read most of them, just not right now. A lot of them are Victorian novels which I haven't been in the mood for recently.
Earlier this week I posted the start of a readalong for The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay. A lot of people have responded and said they'd like to join but don't have time. I've decided to extend the amount of time the readalong will go for. We will now discuss the book on November 1st, and hopefully this will give people more time to get the book and read it as it's rather long. I really hope some more people join! I also heard that the link I posted for Awesome Essays yesterday wasn't working for everyone, so I changed the link and hopefully now you can read The Death of the Moth by Virginia Woolf with ease. And after some request I've decided to bring back Children's Book Thursday, so check that out!
Okay- back to homework!