Merry Wanderer of the Night [Search results for guest post

  • End Credits, End Survey and THANK YOU!!

    Fairy Tale Fortnight is officially over! This is our final post, one last time to speak while you are all listening, and we wanted to take this opportunity to express our thanks. It's a bit bittersweet actually. It will be nice for us to have our days back in our control, rather than being consumed with magic and wishes, witches and trolls, but at the same time, we're sure going to miss it. It's been a huge part of these last couple months. We have had such an awesome turn out! There were so very many awesome people who expressed interest and made Fairy Tale Fortnight a part of their April.

    This event has been a crazy awesome experience for me! I have had a blast spending so much time in this world of fairy tales and meeting, or getting to know better, so many awesome people! Whether it's my fairy tale soul twin (I'm looking at you, Bonnie) or my Fairy Tale Sister who seems to share my Fairy Tale brain wave length (cue Twilight Zone theme song, and enter Misty!) or bringing my Twitter friends into the Fairy Tale Fun (hello to Enna, Farah, Jayme, Lynn Marie, and Laura) But everyone who participated has made this event great! It really meant a lot that so many people were able to come together and share a love of fairy tales. I hope you all enjoyed this event as much as I did.

    in my blog to fill out our survey for the event, and tell us what you thought!

    And for all of you who participated, and all of you who read the posts and shared some fairy tale love, Misty and Ashley have one thing to say to you:

    THANK YOU!!!

    Thank you for joining us, for reading the posts, for writing your own posts, tweeting and spreading the word, putting our button on your sites, talking about it with your friends. Thanks to the authors who took time out of their busy schedules to answer emails and interview questions, write up guest posts and offer giveaway prizes, and generally make these two bloggers shake and shimmy squee. (be glad you couldn't see/hear it... it wasn't pretty) You are all wonderful people, truly amazing and this event would not have been this amazing without you. Again, thank you. Thank you, thank you, and we hope to see you all again next year.

    What's that you say?! Next year? Yup! Fairy Tale Fortnight will return again next year. Tell all your friends.

    Here is an alphabetical list of all the wonderful participants.
    For links to each participants contribution, in my blog to be taken to the schedule

    Alanna (giveaway [2], guest post [2]) Alex Flinn (author interview) Ammy Belle (guest post [2]) Andrea (photo guest post) Angelique (video clip) Bonnie (guest post, sent authors to us) Carolyn Turgeon (author interview, giveaway) Cindy Pon (author interview) CSI Librarian (guest post [2]) Curlypow (guest post) Danya (guest post) Diane Zahler (author interview, giveaway) Donna Jo Napoli (author interview, giveaway, video clip) Edie (giveaway) Elie (fill-in game) Elizabeth C. Bunce (author interview, giveaway) Emily (guest post [2]) Enna Isilee (giveaway, guest post [2]) Erika (guest post, video clip) Farrah (video clip) Heather Dixon (guest post) Her Royal Orangeness (guest post) Jaclyn Dolamore (author interview, giveaway, guest post, video clip) Janette Rallison (author interview, giveaway) Jayme (guest post, video clip) Jen (video clip) Jennifer (giveaway, guest post) Jessica Day George (author interview, giveaway, guest post, video hello) JG (fill-in game, giveaway) Khadija (fill-in game) Kristen (giveaway, guest post [2]) Kristen C (giveaway, guest post) Laura (guest post) Liz (video clip) Lynn Marie (video clip) Marissa Meyer (author interview, guest post) Maureen McGowan (fill-in game) Meghan Nuttall Sayres (giveaway) Mel U (guest post [2]) Mette Ivie Harrison (author interview, giveaway, guest post) Midnyte Reader (guest post) Miss Eliza (guest post) Nancy Werlin (giveaway) NoraBell (video clip) One A Day YA (video clip) Sara (guest post, video clip) (and her daughter) Katelin (video clip) Sarah Porter (author interview) Sierra (giveaway [2], guest post [2]) Sheila D (giveaway, guest post) Susan Fletcher (giveaway) Tia Nevitt (author interview) Titania (giveaway, guest post [2]) Tricia (guest post) Velvet (giveaway) Zoë Marriot (author interview, giveaway, guest post, video clip)

  • Just Contemporary — A Month Long Tribute to Contemporary YA

    So, it's no secret that I love Contemporary Fiction. Or, if it is — I'm going to feel like a failure as a book lover and blogger. Because Contemporary Fiction has been my absolute favorite genre for my whole entire life. I was thinking about this the other day, about how I wanted to do something majorly huge to demonstrate to the whole world just how much I obsess over love Contemporary Fiction.

    So, I was thinking out loud on Twitter, asking what people would think of a Contemporary Only Month on the blog. And the response was awesome! It warms my heart to see just how many people really love Contemporary. Shanyn over at Chick Loves Lit was especially helpful, offering ideas and just being her generally awesome self & I thought.. Hmm. I love her blog. I know she loves Contemporary Fiction. I wonder if she'd want to co-host with me. So I asked, she said yes and Viola!:)

    So, now that I've talked way to much about why I wanted to have this Contemporary month, I'm going to give you some details.

    It is important to know that this is all still a little tentative. Depending on the amount of interest we get from both bloggers and authors, many of the specifics are still liable to change.

    This is going to happen in the month of NOVEMBER. The full month of November will be nothing but Contemporary YA on both mine and Shanyn's blogs. Our author spotlights, interviews, book reviews, guest posts, discussion topics, Waiting on Wednesday's etc will all be completely devoted to Contemporary YA.

    We would love to have as much participation from other bloggers as possible! We don't really expect anyone else to devote the entire month of November to Contemporary, because that is a really long time (although, if you really wanted to, that's totally awesome too!) But we do want to get more Contemporary love going round! So, pull those Contemporary books off the shelf that you keep pushing down the tbr, grab that review notebook to finally write up those Contemporary reviews you've been meaning to write for months now and brush off your persuasion skills to convince the world that Contemporary is the best.

    We hope to get a huge turn out for this, a chance to prove that Contemporary YA really IS well loved by SO many people. We want to get as many people as possible involved, excited and talking, not only about this event, but more importantly, about Contemporary YA in general.

    We also have a button and a banner that you can add to your blogs — Katie of KD Designs is the genius behind these fabulous images! Isn't she AMAZING?! So, grab the button for your blog, and use the banner in a post to tell all your friends!

    We want to give everyone the opportunity to participate as much as possible, and to post, not only on their own blogs, but to also write guest posts. Because we hope to have a huge amount of interest, we decided to make a Blogger Guest Post Swap for the month. There will be five opportunities to guest post. You are welcome to participate in as many as interest you.

    Each of the five guest posts will be assigned a topic and a corresponding week in which they will all post. Below is a list of the post topics and the tentative weeks they will post. There is also a form at the bottom of this post that you can fill out if you are interested. Note — Fill this out even if you aren't 100% sure you will be able to do it. This is to get a general idea of who is interested in what topics. We will be asking in September for a more specific list of who wants to participate and we will be assigning blogging buddies on October 1st. Your blogging buddy is who will post your guest post on their blog, and you will post their guest post on your blog. (Any questions?)

    Here is our tentative list of Guest Post Topics-

    Week 1: Why I love Contemporary YA

    Week 2: The Tough Stuff

    Week 3: Romance!!

    Week 4: Top Ten Lists!

    Week 5: What I'd like to see more of in Contemporary YA


    Can't wait to see what this turns into!!

  • Giveaway of Shut Out & Guest Post Details

    It is now September, which means Danya, from A Tapestry of Words has started Psychtember! I've already posted for her a few times, and there shall be more to come, both from Danya and from myself soon.

    But for now-

    My first guest post was about Depression in YA and how it's represented, along with misconceptions people have about depression, especially that people thinks it's just a case of the sads to 'get over'.

    You probably already saw the big one here on my blog, but I also wrote a post about my frustrations with the representation of OCD in YA. The post on my blog (read it here) is very long and is a full on rant, but the guest post on Danya's blog is shorter and a bit less... angry. I do still make a lot of the same points, but there are differences as well.

    And finally for Psychtember, I wrote a guest review of Cryer's Cross by Lisa McMann, and talked both about the book and about the way I felt McMann handled OCD. (and if you can't guess from the ranty guest post right before it, IMO, it wasn't done very well...)

    Next, Meredith from Mint Tea and A Good Book did a little interview with me, and asked some fun questions for her new Blogger Detour feature! If you want to know a bit more about me, go check it out!!

    And finally-

    I have an ARC of Shut Out by Kody Keplinger sitting here, next to me, just begging me to send it to another person who can read it. Books like to be read, ya know. They thrive on touch, just like people... (You can read my review of Shut Out here)

    SO, if you would like a chance to win Shut Out, just leave me a comment! But please, Make it something interesting! No offense, but I find the — Thanks for the contest! — comments to be boring. So, tell me that you read one of my guest posts, tell me that you think my blog title is too long and/or that the shortened version (Basically Amazing Ashley) is pretentious. Tell me that you loved Melina Marchetta's Jellicoe Road (we can be best friends!) Tell me that you hated Where the Red Fern Grows (actually... don't... That was my absolute favorite book as a child, and I might accidentally delete your comment... ;) )

    But, I digress... SO to enter to win an ARC of Shut Out ALL you have to do is leave me a comment. An interesting comment. And, having your email address or Twitter name would be awesome as well, because that will give me a way to get in touch with you if you do happen to win.

    The giveaway will last until I draw a winner.;) It will be open for a full week, with the winner being drawn sometime next Sunday, September 18th.

    Edit — (sorry!!) This giveaway is open Internationally!:)

  • Just Contemporary Week 2 — Contemporary Roundup

    Once again, here is a link up of all the Contemporary happenings I've stumbled across in the past week on blogs other than Shanyn's and my own! There are some seriously awesome things happening around the blogosphere, so click through the list and check it out!

    And since it is absolutely impossible for me to really be aware of all that is happening everywhere, if you have seen or posted anything Contemporary related, Let me know! I will either add it to this list, or include it in next week's post!

    Awesome Reading Challenge: The Keeping It Real Contemporary YA Reading Challenge hosted by Kat @ I Write, I Read, I Review. And, there will be prizes!:)


    Sarah @ The Storybound Girl — Please Ignore Vera Dietz by A.S. King

    Candace @ Candace's Book Blog — Fixing Delilah by Sarah Ockler, Amplified by Tara Kelly, Vintage Veronica by Erica S. Perl, North of Beautiful by Justina Chen Headly

    L.L. @ The Story Girl — I am the Messenger by Marcus Zusak

    Katelyn @ Katelyn's Blog — The Pull of Gravity by Gae Polisner and My Life Undecided by Jessica Brody

    Melina @ Reading Vacation — Past Perfect by Lelia Sales and The Daughters Join the Party by Joanna Philbin (this is the third book in the series.)

    Author Jessi Kirby — Virtuosity by Jessica Martinez

    Asheley @ Into the Hall of Books — We the Animals by Justin Torres

    Samual @ Books for All Seasons — The Unwritten Rule by Elizabeth Scott

    Danya @ A Tapestry of Words — Dear Bully by Various

    Shannon @ Books Devoured — Looking for Alaska John Green and The Boyfriend List by E. Lockhart

    The Busy Bibliophile — Artichoke's Heart by Suzanne Supplee

    Anna @ Anna Reads — Bunheads by Sophie Flack

    Raquel @ The Book Barbies — Moonglass by Jessi Kirby

    Page @ One Book at a Time — Lie by Caroline Bock

    Emily @ Red House Books — Reasons to be Happy by Katrina Kittle

    Giselle @ Xpresso Reads — dancergirl by Carol M. Tanzman, and Room by Emma Donoghue (probably more Adult than YA, but it is definitely a crossover book).

    Somer @ A Bird's Eye View — Lola and the Boy Next Door by Stephanie Perkins

    Liz @ Consumed by Books — The Summer I Turned Pretty by Jenny Han

    Nicci @ Paper Dreams — Perfect Cover by Jennifer Lynn Barnes and Virtuosity by Jessica Martinez (she also wrote a fun — Five Reasons to Read Virtuosity post!)

    Julie @ A Tale of Many Reviews — The Vincent Boys by Abbi Glines

    Chris @ Between the Covers — Lola and the Boy Next Door by Stephanie Perkins

    Ginger @ Greads! — Amplified by Tara Kelly

    Carrie @ Stalking the Bookshelves — Saving June by Hannah Harrington and The Running Dream by Wendelin Van Draanen

    Rowena @ The Book Scoop — My Life Undecided by Jessica Brody

    Mindi @ Books Complete Me — Geek Girl by Cindy C. Bennett

    Sarah @ YA Love — How to Save a Life by Sara Zarr

    Jennifer @ Novel Thoughts — Saving June by Hannah Harrington

    Aubrey @ holes in my brain — How to Save a Life — Sara Zarr

    Mary @ Anxirium — Chain Reaction by Simone Elkeles

    Lori @ Pure Imagination — Forbidden by Tabitha Suzuma

    Lisa @ The Garden of Books — Where She Went by Gayle Forman and Looking for Alibrandi by Melina Marchetta

    John @ Dreaming in Books — Spoiled by Heather Cocks and Jessica Morgan

    Kelli @ I'd So Rather Be Reading — Going Too Far — Jennifer Echols

    Princess Bookie — Past Perfect by Lelia Sales and Pure Red by Danielle Joseph

    For the Love of Contemporary — His Eyes by Renee Carter

    Tiffany @ Tiffany Reads — The Day Before by Lisa Schroeder and Moonglass by Jessi Kirby

    Ashley @ Bookaholics Anonymous — Raw Blue by Kirsty Egar

    Hannah @ Paperback Treasures — If I Tell by Janet Gurtler, Calli by Jessica Lee Anderson and Between Here and Forever by Elizabeth Scott.

    Bailey @ IB Book Blogging — Past Perfect by Lelia Sales

    The Book Faerie — The Day Before by Lisa Schroeder (WARNING — This review DOES contain spoilers)

    Jenny @ The Mimosa Stimulus — Amplified by Tara Kelly and Virtuosity by Jessica Martinez

    Sophia @ The Book Basement — If I Stay by Gayle Forman, Just Listen by Sarah Dessen and The Duff by Kody Keplinger

    Natalie @ Quirky Vintage — Revolution by Jennifer Donnelly (not completely Contemporary, but mostly & amazing, so...)

    Karen @ For What It's Worth — Where You Are by Tammara Webber

    Lisa @ The Garden of Books — Living Dead Girl by Elizabeth Scott (this is actually a short — What on Earth could I possibly say about this level of intensity — post)


    The Nerd Girls @ Books to the Sky Interviewed Janet Gurtler! (And there is a giveaway!)

    For the Love of Contemporary spotlighted Sarah Ockler!!!

    Candace @ Candace's Book Blog interviewed Anne Pfeffer (and there is an international giveaway!) and she also interviewed Stasia Kehoe!

    The Contemps blog spotlighted new author Josie Bloss and her novel Faking Faith.

    Sam @ Books for all Seasons interviewed Melissa Kantor!

    Liz @ Consumed by Books has a fun This or That Interview with Hannah Harrington!

    Hannah @ Paperback Treasures has a guest post from Megan Bostic about the songs that inspired her book!

    Melina @ Reading Vacation has a guest post from Joanna Philbin.

    Kristi @ The Story Siren has a guest post from Catherine Ryan Hyde (with a giveaway)


    Allison @ The Allure of Books vlogged about her favorite YA Contemporary Books
    Mandie Baxter: Why I Love Contemporary
    Rowena @ The Book Scoop: Why I Love Contemporary
    Author Carol Tanzman: Why I Write Contemporary YA
    Bee @ Dreamcatcher's Lair: Her favorite Dark YA books. (Not all are Contemporary, but most of them are!)
    Author Abbi Glines: Her 11 favorite Indie Contemporary YA Romances

    Tough Stuff in Contemporary YA: (again, many of these were written as guest posts and I am only identifying the author of the post, not the host blog)

    Rie @ Mission to Read
    Bonnie @ A Backwards Story
    Candace @ Candace's Book Blog
    Jacinda @ Reading Housewives
    Katelyn @ Katelyn's Blog
    Cara @ Chasing Words
    Mandie Baxter
    Nicci @ Paper Dreams
    Shannon @ Books Devoured
    Ginger @ GReads!

    Again — If you have seen or written a post talking about Contemporary YA or reviewing a book, LET ME KNOW!! I'd LOVE to include you in the link up AND I personally read and comment on all of them. (It takes a while, but I'm LOVING It!) So leave me a comment, shoot me an email or send me a tweet and I'll add you to my list!:)

  • Psychtember Guest Post! — Depression in YA

    Hey Guys! I just wanted to jump on to tell you to go check out my guest post over at A Tapestry of Words! I mentioned on the first that I was going to be guest posting as part of Danya's awesomely fantastic Psychtember event! It's already gotten off to a great start, and today, my post about Depression in YA is up! Go check it out, and let me and Danya know what you think!! (Click the italicized words below to see what I think!)

    Depression in YA — A Psychtember Guest Post

  • Just Contemporary Book Push!! A Guest Post with Misty!

    Today I have a special guest post. Misty from The Book Rat is pretty much one of my favorite blogging people. Misty hosts a weekly book chat over on her site, where she talks about different trends, genres, topics, characters etc and etc in books and it's a pretty awesome feature. She has a linky set up on her blog, so that if you participate in the chats, you can link up your post and bounce around to all the other awesome people.:) (And, you don't have to do it as a vlog either, it can be a normal post too. Whatever you are most comfortable with.:) in my blog TO BE TAKEN TO HER LINKY POST!:)

    I asked Misty if she'd be interested in guest posting for me for Just Contemporary, even though she isn't a huge Contemporary reader and she suggested giving me this weeks Book Chat. That makes her awesome!

    The topic this week is Favorite Contemporary Reads and it's AWESOME. (Oh ya, and she starts with Jellicoe Road, which I love and it was totally me that 'made' her read it... I win.)

    And, if you want to participate in the chat next week, the topic is going to be Most anticipated Contemporary reads!! How awesome is that?!

    Oh I love them all!! Seriously — Those are some legitimately amazing books! Everyone watching this should most definitely go out and read them all!!:)

  • Review and Giveaway: Blood Island by H. Terrell Griffin

    Review and Giveaway: Blood Island by H. Terrell Griffin

    Matt Royal is a lawyer in FL who always seems to get into trouble of some sort. His ex-wife, Laura, contacts him. Her stepdaughter, Peggy, is missing and she needs his help to track her down. Since she's a legal adult, the police don't seem concerned. Matt tracks Peggy down to a private island in the Keys, Blood Island. The island, and a number of "questionable" businesses in the area, are all owned by the same Bahamian corporation. Matt soon discovers a hidden world of at-risk teens, drugs, cults, and prostitution. Just as Matt saves Peggy, he uncovers a terrorist plan to destroy several churches in large cities. BLOOD ISLAND is action packed from page one and keeps you hooked til the end. This is my first taste of Griffin's work and I hope to read more of his work in the near future!

    H. Terrell Griffin is giving away a signed copy of his book, Blood Island, to one lucky tour visitor. Go to Terry’s book tour page,, and enter your name, e-mail address, and this PIN, 5796, for your chance to win. Entries will be accepted until 12:00 Noon (PT) tomorrow (Wednesday). No purchase is required to enter or to win. The winner (first name only) will be announced on Terry’s book tour page next week.

    About the Author

    H. Terrell Griffin is the author of Blood Island, the third mystery in the Matt Royal series.

    Born in Waycross, Georgia, H. Terrell Griffin moved to Sanford, Florida, at the age of twelve. Upon graduation from high school, he enlisted in the U.S. Army. After three years of active duty, he began his studies at Mercer University in Macon, Georgia, where he earned degrees in history and law.

    A board-certified trial lawyer, Griffin practiced law in Orlando for 38 years. In addition to Blood Island, Griffin is the author of Murder Key and Longboat Blues.

    He and his wife Jean divide their time between Longboat Key and Maitland, Florida. His website is

    Check out the other sites participating in this book tour:

    Tuesday, December 02, 2008

    • In Reference to Murder: Author Interview

    Wednesday, December 03, 2008

    • Reader's Respite: Book Review
    • Lesa's Book Critiques: Author Guest Post

    Thursday, December 04, 2008

    • The Friendly Book Nook: Author Guest Post

    Friday, December 05, 2008

    • Murder by 4: Author Interview
    • Mystery Reader Discussion: Book Review
    • Wendi's Book Corner: Author Guest Post

    Saturday, December 06, 2008

    • Allie's Musings: Author Interview
    • Bookish Ruth: Book Review

  • IT'S TIME!! Welcome to Just Contemporary November!!

    Hello everyone and WELCOME! Today is the first day of November, which also means it is the first day of Just Contemporary, a full month dedicated to nothing but the awesome that is Contemporary YA. I mean seriously, how awesome is that?! Best idea ever, right?! Thank you, thank you. You may now bask in my glow...

    Or, better yet — Bask in the awesome that will be coming to you ALL THIS MONTH!!!

    Shanyn and I have so killer awesome stuff coming at you. There will be authors, guest bloggers, interviews, guest posts, giveaways, videos and lots of reviews and bookish talking posts. It's gonna be intense. Like, whoa.

    I am devoting my entire blog, the entire month of November to ONLY Contemporary talk. The reviews will all be Contemporary, the authors all write Contemporary, even the Memory Mondays will be about Contemporary reads! Shanyn's blog will be the same. Contemporary FTW yo!

    Now, I don't actually expect anyone else to do this. Devoting an entire month to only one genre is hard. I get that. If you want to become an entirely, or even mostly Contemporary place for November, YOU WILL ROCK MY FACE OFF. If you can't become entirely Contemporary, don't worry, I'll still love you!:)

    But here is a list of seriously great things you can do to still show your love and support for Contemporary YA (some of these are Shanyn's and some are mine)

    *Read a Contemporary book, especially if it isn't your normal go-to genre
    *Review a Contemporary book you loved
    *Add the button/banner to your sidebar and/or any Contemporary themed posts in November
    *Write a post about the Just Contemporary event on your blog. Talk about it on Twitter. Tell all your friends.
    *Read the awesome Contemp happenings on the host blogs for the month
    *Write a post talking about Contemporary YA (write about your own topic, or check out our guest post topic list)
    *Enter the giveaways!! (easy peasy, yes?!)
    *Keep an eye out for participating authors & post about those authors or their books around the same time we do
    *COMMENT! There is a lot of time and effort that's been put into showcasing all this awesome Contemp & all of the participants, bloggers, authors, readers and writers would love feedback!
    *Talk to friends, IRL & online about Contemporary YA that you love. Buy a book. Buy a book for a friend or your library. Buy a book and give it to a random stranger on the bus... And then tell us!:)
    *Tell a Contemporary YA author that you love them.:)

    I could keep going here... Really, I could. There is so much you can do to help! Both this event and Contemporary YA in general!

    Also — I plan to have a weekly post going up where I talk about all the awesome Contemporary love happening around the blogosphere. But, for this to really be a good round up, I'm going to need your help! There is no way I can possibly find everything going on. I'm going to try, but it's not gonna happen.: P SO. PLEASE — If you are participating in the event, if you grab the button to add to your Contemp reviews, if you interview a Contemporary author, review a Contemp novel, Let me know!! I am going to be on top of my commenting game, reading (hopefully) hundreds of awesome Contemporary posts every day!

    So what are we waiting for?! Let's get this show on the road and SPREAD THE LOVE!!!

  • "Why Contemporary" a guest post from author Lisa Schroeder

    Today's guest post is from one of my favorite author people. Lisa Schroeder is seriously one of the nicest authors I've ever spoken to and the fact that I love her writing just makes it all better. She was one of the first authors I thought about when thinking about who to invite for Just Contemporary and I was thrilled when she said yes! So here are her thoughts on Contemporary fiction, why she reads it, and why she writes it.

    Why Contemporary:
    If you were to ask me my favorite authors, most of them would be contemporary authors. John Green, Sara Zarr, Stephanie Perkins, Sonya Sones, and more. Of course, I love other genres too. Laini Taylor is one of the best authors of our time, and I will read everything she writes because she takes me to amazing places I didn't even know I wanted to go.
    But why contemporary? Why am I primarily drawn to the stories about real people dealing with real issues?
    I think it's because life can be hard. Like, really freaking hard. And usually, in a contemporary YA novel, we find a character who is struggling with something. And I love watching them go through whatever painful thing it is they're going through, and coming out the other side okay. Maybe even better than okay.
    From a young age, I learned life doesn't always go the way you want it to go. People hurt you. People leave you. People tell you one thing, and do another. Contemporary fiction reminds us we aren't alone in dealing with the crap life hands us. Not only that, it shows us that it's possible to make it through, despite the fear and pain and sadness.
    My YA novels are very much about teens who have had something bad happen to them.
    In I Heart You, You Haunt Me, Ava's boyfriend has been killed in a tragic accident. In Far From You, Alice's mom has died from cancer. In The Day Before, Amber has discovered the family she loves isn't her biological family, and now she has to go and live with people she's never even met.
    I've been told my books make people cry. That is probably because life makes me cry. And so, what do I do with that pain? I put it into my stories. I put it there, for other people to experience along with me. But I do it with a purpose. Every character, at the end of my books, has hope.
    Because you guys, for me, it's all about that wonderful, beautiful thing called hope.
    Isn't it hope that keeps us going? The hope that things will get better. That the pain won't last forever. That a day will come when we look outside and we see more beauty than heartache.
    Adult books don't always end on a hopeful note. But books for kids and teens pretty much always do.
    That's why I love them. And that's why I'll keep writing them.
    Lisa Schroeder is the author of numerous books for kids and teens, including her lastest YA novel The Day Before (Simon Pulse) and the MG novel Sprinkles and Secrets (Aladdin). She lives with her husband, two teenage sons, and the cutest pets you've ever seen just outside Portland, Oregon. You can visit her on the web at

    Beautiful post Lisa! And SO well worded!! Guys!! Do you SEE why I love her?! I mean, really!:) And to further prove her awesome, Lisa has been generous to donate a signed copy of Far From You, one of her amazingly beautiful verse novels. Enter below! Ends December 10th US Only MUST leave a MEANINGFUL comment for Lisa, letting her know you read and appreciate her post.

  • Guest Post with Cassie, from A Closer Look

    Hey guys! I have got a very special guest poster today! Cassie, the main character from A Closer Look by Karen DelleCava is sharing with us what her first ever blog post would look like if she were to start a blog! It's pretty awesome! AND at the bottom of the post, after Cassie shares with us some of her experiences of what it's like being a teen who discovers they are losing all their hair, there is information from Karen about how you could win a seriously awesome prize pack! So, here's Cassie!

    Okay, queue the intro music to Lady GaGa’s Born This Way. Now, drum roll please... today is my first blog post on:

    If you’re visiting here today (I will check my stats later) you’ve probably figured out that I’m a teen without hair. My name is Cassie and I’m 14 years old. I have alopecia areata and over the passed six months, I lost all of my long hair. And the truth? It was the WORST, most suckful thing that ever happened to me and I cried-A LOT. I felt like I lost who I was, my entire identity.

    But ya know what else? I’m still here and I ROCK! Yeah, I said it. I ROCK! I just want YOU to know that you rock, too, with or without hair. It might take time but I guarantee you’ll figure it out. Sometimes I’ll go out with my wig but other times I’m like who cares and I march around all day au naturale! I’m just as cute wig on as wig off. Check out my pics taken by my BFF.

    Speaking of my best friend, Tara (I don’t think she’ll mind if I use her real name) is the most awesome friend a person could have. She always believed in me no matter what. Do you have a BF like that? I’d love to know. If not, that’s what I’m here for. Whatever you’re feeling, I’ve felt it, too, so ask me anything. Or tell me a funny story. I’ll be posting some of those, too.

    This blog is a place for bald teens who rock (like me) and their friends to hang out, have fun and even try and make you feel better if you’re having a particularly sucky day.

    Comment 1 posted by TSpez: Love you too, Cass! Great first post! XOXO

    Comment 2 posted by ME: See what I mean about my best friend? Thanks for being my first stat, Tara! I’m loving the temporary tattoos we bought for my head. Too cute. I’m deciding on which butterfly to apply for tomorrow.


    Visit to read the first chapter AND for details on how to win a signed copy of A Closer Look plus a surprise gift but “Do not open it until page 153.”

    A Closer Look Book Signing Friday, April 13th 6:30-8pm
    Teens will receive a surprise gift but “Do not open it until page 153.” (While supplies last.)
    Well Read (New & Used) Bookstore
    425 Lafayette Ave
    Hawthorne NJ 07506

    I'd like to say a huge thank you to both Karen and Cassie for taking the time to visit with me and being so awesome to work with! AND if you want to hear more amazing things about this book, be sure to check out the rest of the teen book scene tour, going on now! (In fact, I'm post #1!:) )

  • Just Contemporary Week 4 — Contemporary Round-Up

    Here is another post where I attempt to gather as much of the awesome Contemporary happenings into one place! As always, I know there are going to be things that I've missed, so if you've written anything about Contemporary YA at any point in November and you think I missed it, please let me know and I will add it to the post!


    Candace @ Candace's Book Blog — Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher, The Truth About Forever by Sarah Dessen and Boyfriends with Girlfriends by Alex Sanchez

    Audrey @ Holes in My Brain — Graffiti Moon by Cath Crowley

    The Book Faerie — Lola and the Boy Next Door by Stephanie Perkins

    Young Readers — The Vincent Boys by Abbi Glines

    Ashley @ The Bookish Brunette — The Vincent Boys by Abbi Glines

    Giselle @ Xpresso Reads — June of Rock by Elisa Ludwig

    Katie's Book Blog — Past Perfect by Lelia Sales

    L.L. @ The Story Girl — Saving June by Hannah Harrington

    Bonnie @ A Backwards Story — Rhymes with Cupid by Anna Humphrey and North of Beautiful by Justina Chen Headley

    Jen @ Almost Grown Up — Lola and the Boy Next Door by Stephanie Perkins

    Racquel @ The Book Barbies — Love Story by Jennifer Echols and Catching Jordan by Miranda Kenneally

    Geianne @ We Fancy Books — Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist by David Levithan & Rachel Cohn and Stolen by Lucy Christopher

    Sarah @ The Hiding Spot — Saving June by Hannah Harrington,

    Jenny @ The Mimosa Stimulant — Saving June by Hannah Harrington and Dancergirl by Carol Tanzman

    Ginger @ Greads — Where Things Come Back by John Corey Whaley

    Hannah @ Paperback Treasures — Lie by Caroline Bock

    A Life Bound By Books — Every Me, Every You by David Levithan and Overprotected by Jennifer Laurens

    Amanda @ Born Bookish — Memoirs of a Teenage Amnesiac by Gabrielle Zevin

    Steph @ Steph: Short & Sweet — All That Matters by Youseph Tanha

    Ali @ Ali's Bookshelf — Geek Girl by Cindy C. Bennett

    Somer @ A Bird's Eye Review — Pretty Little Liars by Sara Shepard and the Perfect Chemistry Series by Simone Elkeles

    Kate @ Literary Explorations — Twenty Boy Summer by Sarah Ockler, Past Perfect by Lelia Sales Stolen by Lucy Christopher and Saving June by Hannah Harrington

    Lindsi @ Books, Sweets, and Other Treats — Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins

    Laura @ The Reading Nook — If I Tell by Janet Gurtler

    Jess @ Jess Hearts Books — Wonder by R.J. Palacio

    Ellie @ Curiosity Killed the Bookworm — Hidden by Miriam Halahmy

    Jacinda @ The Reading Housewives — Friendship on Fire — Danielle Weiler (and a giveaway!) and I'm Not Her by Janet Gurtler

    Kalia @ Reading the Best of the Best — Five Flavors of Dumb by Antony John, How to Save a Life by Sara Zarr, Love Story by Jennifer Echols, Secrets of My Hollywood Life (and it's sequel, On Location) by Jen Calonita

    Evie @ Bookish — Playground by 50 Cent

    Sarah @ Sarah's Books & Life — OyMG by Amy Fellner Dominy

    A.J. @ Collections — The Disenchantments by Nina LaCour and Stolen by Lucy Christopher

    Samual @ Books for All Seasons — The Education of Hailey Kendrick by Eileen Cook

    The Book Muncher — Past Perfect by Lelia Sales, Tunnel Vision by Susan Shaw, Brother/Sister by Sean Olin and Going Underground by Susan Vaught

    Farah & Juhina @ Maji Bookshelf — Only the Good Spy Young by Ally Carter (book 4 in a series) and The Vincent Boys by Abbi Glines

    Emma @ Novel Minded — Dirty Little Secrets by C.J. Omololu, Every You, Every Me by David Levithan and If I Tell by Janet Gurtler

    Cristina — The Princess of Story Land — How to Rock Braces and Glasses by Meg Haston

    Liz @ Consumed by Books — Saving June by Hannah Harrington

    Kelsey @ The Book Scout — Zitface by Emily Howse and Beauty Queens by Libba Bray

    Meredith and Erin @ Mint Tea and a Good Book — I'm Not Her by Janet Gurtler and Paper Towns by John Green

    Jen @ I Read Banned Books — Au Revoir Crazy European Chick by Joe Schrieber

    Kristen @ Strawberry Splash Reviews — Brooklyn Burning by Steve Brezenoff

    Nina @ We Adore Happy Endings — Bliss by Lauren Myracle and Reality Check by Jen Calonita

    Annette @ Annette's Book Spot — Untraceable by S.R. Johannes

    Dustin @ Dustin Disco — The Beginning of After by Jennifer Castle and I'll Be There by Holly Goldberg Sloan


    Jacinda @ The Reading Housewives interviewed Danielle Weiler (with a giveaway!)

    Katie @ Bookishly Yours interviewed Hannah Harrington (with a giveaway!)

    Erika @ One a Day YA interviewed Miranda Kenneally

    Jen @ I Read Banned Books interviewed Joe Schrieber

    Alice @ Alice Marvels Interviewed Carol Tanzman

    Hannah @ Paperback Treasure has a guest post from Hannah Harrington

    Mary @ Anxirium has a guest post about swoon-worthy boys from Jillian Dodd

    Ginger @ Greads! interviewed John Corey Whaley (with a giveaway!)


    Candace @ Candace's Book Blog is giving away a signed ARC of Virtuosity by Jessica Martinez

    Lena @ Addicted to Novels is giving away two Romantic Contemps!


    Kristen @ Strawberry Splash Reviews talks YA Contemporary Books with Real Issues

    Samual @ Books for all Seasons talks about Remembrances of Sisterhood in Contemp

    Katelyn @ Katelyn's Book Blog Top 11 Swoon-worthy Boys

    Jacinda @ The Reading Housewives Top 9 Swoon-worthy Boys

    Mandie Baxter's Top Ten Swoon-worthy Boys

    Kathy @ I Write, I Read, I Review Top Five Faves & Most Anticipated

    Adam @ Roof Beam Reader Top Five Faves & Most Anticipated

    Bonnie @ A Backwards Story Top Ten Anticipated Contemps

    Ginger @ Greads! Top Ten Favorites

    Kailia @ Reading the Best of the Best — What I Want To See More Of

    Nikki @ Paper Dreams Top Ten Problem Novels

    Kristen @ Strawberry Splash Reviews Top Ten Summer Contemporaries

    Mary @ Anxirium Top Ten Cutest Couples

    Ariel @ The Librarian's Bookshelf Top Ten Contemp I Need to Read

  • Just Contemporary Guest Post & Giveaway with Sarah Ockler!

    I am so excited to have a guest post today with Sarah Ockler! She has a really fun post today, in the spirit of love for all genres, which I totally adored and even though Contemporary is my favorite, I do read and love many other genres and I love this post talking about the common threads between all genres.

    Contemporary Realism vs. Paranormal & Fantasy: Smackdown or Lovefest?

    As an author of contemporary realistic teen fiction, I'm often asked about the imbalance in the bookstores between contemporary titles and paranormals — yes, those sparkly black covers of awesome. Some have asked me why I write contemporary instead of chasing the fantasy "trend." Others want me to convince them to read one over the other, or defend my own favorites, or talk about why contemporary is so much better.

    Some of this is in jest, of course. All in good fun. But sometimes it does feel like there's a bit of rivalry going on, doesn't it?

    I'm not sure why. To me, fantasy isn't a "trend" anymore than realism *isn't*, and the only thing that's "so much better" is that teens and adults are reading tons of YA — way more than we used to. A big part of that is availability and choice. Even as recently as ten years ago, bookstores might've only had one YA shelf, or the teen fiction might've been mixed in with the younger children's stuff. Now, it's so popular that it usually has it's own section, and that section includes rows of ever-expanding shelves — plenty of room for magic *and* reality.

    My favorite local indie, the Tattered Cover, just expanded its YA section, and they host young adult and middle grade authors almost every month — contemporary, fantasy, scifi, dystopian, romance, mystery — we're all represented, and we're all awesome.: -) Walking down those long shelves stuffed with sparkly black covers, pink ones, white ones, scenic ones, close up kissing ones, monster ones… it just makes me insanely happy to have so many choices for my ever-growing TBR list.

    So what about the original question? Smackdown or lovefest?

    I say lovefest. I love contemporary realism. I love fantasy, paranormal, and scifi. I love it all. Because in young adult fiction, contemporary realism and paranormal / fantasy are just two sides of the same coin. The difference is in the execution. Maybe your boyfriend broke up with you because the scent of your blood makes him want to tear you apart with his pointy little fangs. Or maybe he just likes another girl. Maybe your parents are getting divorced because Mom discovered that dad is a dark elf plotting to take over the world. Or maybe he just leaves the toilet seat up. These are silly examples, but the point is, the underlying emotional strife is the same. Both types of story explore complex emotions and issues like changing friendships, death, sexuality, sex, heartbreak, addiction, family problems, physical challenges, violence, and economic hardship, to name a few. Both feature multi-layered characters forced by difficult — sometimes life-threatening — external situations to dig deep to uncover their own hidden strengths. Both have the twists and turns and surprises that often come when teens experience new situations for the first time. And let's not overlook the best part — all the kissing. Sexy vampires, beautiful witches, six-pack-ab-rockin' shapeshifters, and plain old regular humans… there's plenty of romance to swoon over in most young adult fiction. Team Kissing, are you with me? Yes!

    So whether you're typically into contemporary realism or paranormal, whether you like your boys human or bloodsucking, whether you go gaga for girls with wings or wands or just plain old pom poms, whether you're reading about transgender issues or trans-species ones, whether you like escaping to the beaches of California or the halls of Hogwarts, I encourage you to read a bit more of… well… everything. This is a lovefest, after all. Let's show some love!

    Need a few recommendations? Check out the newly posted Best Teen Books of 2011 over at Kirkus. Editor Vicky Smith says, "With shelves fairly groaning under the weight of paranormal love triangles, it may be easy to think that books for teens are all the same these days. Not so, we are delighted to report. In sifting through the piles of great books published for teens this year, I was happy to discover soulful romance of the utterly normal kind, deliciously frothy historical novels, piercingly intelligent nonfiction, thrillingly inventive fantasy and science fiction and some great kickass horror, as well as some books that may leave you weeping with laughter."

    Some of my faves from the list are Misfit, Winter Town, Virtuosity, Anna Dressed in Blood, and Daughter of Smoke and Bone, and many more are on my TBR list. There's something for everyone over there. Happy reading!
    ~ Sarah Ockler

    Author of Twenty Boy Summer, Fixing Delilah, and the upcoming Bittersweet (which features the special magic of cupcakes and hockey boys… mmmmm...)

    Thank you again Sarah, so very much! I love it!:)

    And for all my awesome readers, Sarah has been generous enough to donate a signed paperback of Fixing Delilah to one luck winner! This is a phenomenal book, absolutely amazing, and I'm already excited for whoever wins this one!

    Enter Below. Like all Just Contemporary Giveaways, it will end Dec 10th. This is also only open to US/CN.

  • Feel free to link retroactively too!

    Feel free to link retroactively too!

    I've been meaning to get this post up for a while now, but as I've mentioned before, I've been insanely busy lately and my real life doesn't seem to want to allow my blogging life to be a *thing*. Ahem...

    Anyway — This is going to become a regular feature here each Saturday. (Yes, I am well aware that today is Monday, but bear with me...)

    Each Saturday I'm going to put up a linky where ANYONE can link ANY post dealing with Contemporary YA. It can be a review, author interview/guest post, a giveaway, opinion post, anything, as long as it is related to Contemporary YA.

    You do NOT have to be a participant in the Just Contemporary Reading Challenge to use this linky. I want everyone to link up their posts! So tell your friends, tweet about it & get linking. I would love to have a huge linky each week with all the awesome Contemporary happenings online.

    Feel free to link retroactively too! Please only add each post to one linky, but the post does not have to be written this week to be added.:)

    AND — I will guarantee a read and a comment from me to every single person who links up using this linky system. And, I'll tweet about it and do all that I can to spread the word.

    Contemporary is a genre that I wish got more love and attention, so let's get linking!!:)

  • Contemporary Link Up!

    I've been meaning to get this post up for a while now, but as I've mentioned before, I've been insanely busy lately and my real life doesn't seem to want to allow my blogging life to be a *thing*. Ahem...

    Anyway — This is going to become a regular feature here each Saturday. (Yes, I am well aware that today is Monday, but bear with me...)

    Each Saturday I'm going to put up a linky where ANYONE can link ANY post dealing with Contemporary YA. It can be a review, author interview/guest post, a giveaway, opinion post, anything, as long as it is related to Contemporary YA.

    You do NOT have to be a participant in the Just Contemporary Reading Challenge to use this linky. I want everyone to link up their posts! So tell your friends, tweet about it & get linking. I would love to have a huge linky each week with all the awesome Contemporary happenings online.

    Feel free to link retroactively too! Please only add each post to one linky, but the post does not have to be written this week to be added.:)

    AND — I will guarantee a read and a comment from me to every single person who links up using this linky system. And, I'll tweet about it and do all that I can to spread the word.

    Contemporary is a genre that I wish got more love and attention, so let's get linking!!:)

  • Just Contemporary Guest Post! Asheley from Into the Hall of Books!

    Today on the blog, I have Asheley from Into the Hall of Books. Asheley is seriously one of my favorite people right now and I absolutely love chatting with her on Twitter and her blog makes me happy. For realz guys, if you don't know her, you definitely should. I was absolutely thrilled when Asheley agreed to write this guest post for me. I LOVED it and you totally will too!:)

    Why I (am learning to) Love Contemporary
    I shrugged off the YA Contemporary genre for years... both young adult and adult fiction. Why? Because I have a mortgage. I have bills and children and friends that have crumbling marriages.
    Also, I've been through high school and never cared to read about backstabbing, teen pregnancy, drug abuse, rape, or any of those other awful things that I remember about my younger days. After all, who wants to revisit high school? Not me.
    When I graduated, I wanted to try and walk away from that stuff forever. I never imagined that I would want to voluntarily read about it.
    More importantly, I HAVE TWO DAUGHTERS and A SON. When I think about some of the subject matter of the YA Contemps, I absolutely panic and freak out for their future. I don't want to go there. (But I need to get over that.)
    A few things have happened recently that have caused me to rethink my "No-Contemp" personal policy!

    • I realized that John Green writes contemporary. As I am one of his biggest fans, I stand in violation of my "no-contemp" rule!
    • I traded recommendations with Ashley and read my first verse novel, which also happened to be contemporary: Chasing Brooklyn by Lisa Schroeder. And I fell in love... beautiful, twirling, dancing-on-clouds love...
    • I started actually reading the blogposts/reviews of trusted bloggers who love the contemps and you know what? Some of their recommendations kinda-sorta interested me a little bit.
    • I realized that as a reader of plenty of adult fiction, I already do read some contemporary.
    • Not all contemporary is sad or hard-to-read, right?
    All of this being said, I've always read to escape. I use stories to go to faraway places, places that aren't real. I want to read about dragons or faeries, vampires or zombies. I want to read about mythology and fairy tales. I want to visit a crazy post-apocalyptic or dystopian society where civilization is on the brink of crumbling (or maybe it already has!) and only one person can save mankind. These are the books that make me hold my breath turn the pages fast gasp nearly die freak out when something awesome happens.
    So I don't see myself rearranging my favorite genres anytime soon. HOWEVER: I am incorporating more contemporary into my already-eclectic mix. This way, I can truly be more eclectic
    ~and~ I am so happy about this!
    In the past few months, I've read some amazing adult fiction contemporary books that have changed me and opened dialogue in my heart and in my house. (Isn't that one of the great things about contemporary?) More recently, I've started reading some YA contemporary books, and I am really proud of this. I haven't read that many yet, but I'm really thinking that
    2012 is my year for contemporary.
    *I would have never made the leap into this genre if it wasn't for Ashley, Jacinda, and some other incredible awesome wonderful bloggers. The recommendations are amazing for people like myself — new to the genre — and the conversations afterward on Twitter or via email or blog comments are meaningful and inspiring. From the bottom of my heart, Ashley, thank you so much for the push nudge, and not giving up on me! I really AM learning to love contemporary, and I never EVER would have thought that possible!

  • Just Contemporary Week 3 — Contemporary Round Up

    There have been so many awesome blog posts about Contemporary YA this week! I have loved reading the ones I've discovered, but just know that I had to have missed a bunch. So, if your blog post isn't listed here, please let me know!

    Announcement of Contemporary Win!- A whole bunch of bloggers have gotten together to put on a John Green week this January! How awesome is that?! John Green pretty much oozes Contemporary awesomness so a week to spotlight him sounds awesome! Here is a link to one of the blogs hosting sign ups!:) Click me for John Green Week info!!!

    Also, I cannot believe that I have so far forgotten to mention this — BUT — November is also Aussie Month over at Carla's blog, The Crooked Shelf. Since it's Aussie authors in general, not everything is Contemporary but there is definitely some Contemp love and seriously, who doesn't love Aussie authors?! There must be something in the water over there because they Rock!
    Some of the Contemporary Australian Awesome — An interview with Melina Marchetta! (Whom I absolutely adore!) Reviews of Graffiti Moon by Cath Crowley; Everything Beautiful by Simmone Howell; A Straight Line to My Heart by Bill Condon; Good Oil by Laura Buzo;


    Alissa @ The Grammarian — Before I Fall by Lauren Oliver (not entirely Contemp, but mostly)

    Candace @ Candace's Book Blog — Going Too Far by Jennifer Echols (and a giveaway!), The Vinyl Princess by Yvonne Prinz, Dreamland Social Club by Tara Atebrando, Girl Wonder by Alexa Martin and Shattered Soul by Jennifer Snyder (also has an author interview and a giveaway!).

    Somer @ A Bird's Eye View — Perfect Chemistry by Simone Elkeles

    Mandie Baxter — Jellicoe Road by Melina Marchetta

    Allison @ The Allure of Books — Jellicoe Road by Melina Marchetta

    Mary @ Anxirium — Five Flavors of Dumb by Antony John

    Jacinda @ The Reading Housewives — Sea by Heidi R. Kling and The Running Dream by Wendelin Van Draanen

    The Busy Bibliophile — You Against Me by Jenny Downham

    Jennifer @ The Book Barbies — Virtuosity by Jessica Martinez

    Racquel @ The Book Barbies — If I Stay by Gayle Forman, Where She Went by Gayle Forman, Ten Things We Did (and Probably Shouldn't Have) by Sarah Mlynowski and Virtuosity by Jessica Martinez.

    Magan @ Rather Be Reading — Cracked Up to Be by Courtney Summers and The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chboksy

    Krazy Book Lady — Joint Mother/Daughter review of Geek Girl by Cindy C. Bennet

    Estelle @ Rather Be Reading — Fringe Girl by Valerie Frankel

    Katelyn @ Katelyn's Blog — Lola and the Boy Next Door by Stephanie Perkins

    Amanda @ Book Love 101 — Lola and the Boy Next Door by Stephanie Perkins

    Hannah @ Paperback Treasures — Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins

    Bonnie @ A Backwards Story — Lola and the Boy Next Door by Stephanie Perkins

    Rachel @ Rachel Reads — The Sky is Everywhere by Jandy Nelson

    Ginger @ Greads! — Graffiti Moon by Cath Crowley

    Farrah @ I Eat Words — Graffiti Moon by Cath Crowley

    Amanda @ On a Book Bender — Cut by Patricia McCormick (guest review by Amanda)

    Karen @ For What It's Worth — Saving June by Hannah Harrington

    A Beautiful Madness — Dancergirl by Carol Tanzman, Uncommon Criminals by Ally Carter (second in a series) and Saving June by Hannah Harrington.

    Ashley @ Book Labyrinth — I'm Not Her by Janet Gurtler

    Laura @ The Reading Nook — Lie by Caroline Bock

    Jamie @ Writers write, right? — The Boys Next Door by Jennifer Echols

    Rachel @ Fiktshun — Where You Are by Tammara Webber (second book in series)

    Melissa @ I Swim for Oceans — The Shattering by Karen Healy

    April @ Good Books & Good Wine — Playground by 50 Cent and Sweethearts by Sara Zarr

    Jamie @ The Perpetual Page Turner — Will Grayson, Will Grayson by John Green & David Levithan

    Anna @ Anna Reads — Kiss It by Erin Downing and Virtuosity by Jessica Martinez

    Jayme @ The Secret Life of an Avid Reader — Withering Tights by Louise Rennison

    Yani @ The Secret Life of an Avid Reader — Double Clutch by Elizabeth Reinhardt

    Chey @ The Hollow Cupboards — Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins and Ten Things We Did (and Probably Shouldn't Have) by Sarah Mlynowski

    Juhina @ Maji Bookshelf — North of Beautiful by Justina Chen Headley, Dancergirl by Carol Tanzman and Where You Are by Tammara Webber (second book in series)

    Farah @ Maji Bookshelf — The Earth, My Butt, and Other Big Round Things by Carolyn Mackler and Saving June by Hannah Harrington

    Chelsey @ Starry Sky Books — Rhymes with Cupid by Anna Humphrey

    Melissa @ This is Your Brain on Books — The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky and Beauty Queens by Libba Bray

    Mari @ Escape in a Good Book — All I Ever Wanted by Vikki Wakefield

    Nina @ Escape in a Good Book — Dancergirl by Carol Tanzman

    Sarah @ Whispering Words — Guitar Girl by Sarra Manning

    Cass @ Words on Paper — Audition by Stasia Kehoe

    Samual @ Books for All Seasons — Moving Day by Meg Cabot

    Lena @ Addicted to Novels — Love and Leftovers by Sarah Tregay and Saving June by Hannah Harrington

    Steph @ Steph Su Reads — Saving June by Hannah Harrington

    Giselle @ Xpresso Reads — Fury by Shirley Marr

    The Book Faery — Deadly Cool by Gemma Halliday

    Tee @ Dreaming Dreams — Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins, Lola and the Boy Next Door by Stephanie Perkins, Dash and Lily's Book of Dares by David Levithan and Rachel Cohn, and Deadly Cool by Gemma Halliday.

    Lizz @ Dreaming Dreams — Want to Go Private? by Sarah Darer Littman

    Annette's Book Spot — Saving June by Hannah Harrington


    Mary @ Anxirium — Guest post w/ author Jennifer Castle about Being a Contemporary YA Writer

    Candace @ Candace's Book Blog interviewed Tara Altebrando.

    Krazy Book Lady interviewed Cindy C. Bennett

    Avid Reader Yani has a guest post from Elizabeth Reinhardt about dating

    Kody Keplinger interviewed Hannah Harrington

    Kirsten Hubbard is giving away Wanderlove bookmarks

    Hannah Harrington lists her Top Ten Road Trip Songs.


    Misty @ The Book Rat talks about her most anticipated Contemporary YA (and it's a linky! You can too!!)

    Molly Jo @ Surrounded by Words — Contemporary YA: A Love/Hate Relationship
    Danielle @ Alpha Reader talks about her favorite Aussie YA novels.
    Samual @ Books for All Seasons talks about favorite YA/MG Contemps about friendship

    Bonnie @ A Backwards Story
    Danya @ A Tapestry of Words

    More of the Tough Stuff posts that I missed last week:

    Candace @ Candace's Book Blog
    Bonnie @ A Backwards Story
    Sarah @ The Storybound Girl
    Amanda @ The Fiction Fairy

    Once again — If I've missed anything, Let me know!!:) I'd love to add your stuff to my link up!

  • I wrote another guest post!

    Read all about it: Why Ashley loves verse novels.

    I'm a few days late with this, because life has been crazy, but a while ago, Alissa of The Grammarian's Reviews asked for people interested in guest posting on her blog and since I love having guest posts, and writing them can be a lot of fun, I was like — Dude! I'm all for that. And the two of us settled on a post about Why I LOVE verse novels since, well... I do.

    So, I wrote this totally awesome post about it, and it is visible on her blog! I'd love it if you went and checke it out! Go see what I think of verse novels, why I think you should read them AND my top three recommendations for all those of you just waiting to be verse lovers too!:)

  • Memory Monday with Kate!: D

    Today's Memory Monday guest is Kate, who recently had her 1 year Blogversary over on her blog, Literary Explorations. We were initially going to swap guest posts and have them go live on the same day, but life gets crazy sometimes.:) So, here is a link to the guest post I wrote for her, about the amazingness that is Contemporary Fiction, and here is Kate, talking about one of her favorite books from childhood. And what do you know, it just so happens that this, is a book that's been banned/challenged numerous times over the years. Let's hear it for celebrating Banned Books Week!:)


    I'm Kate and I am currently working on my Master's degree in Middle Childhood Education. My favorite genres are historical and realistic fiction. Philippa Gregory, Sandra Gulland and Lauren Willig are just a few of my favorite authors. When I'm not reading or studying for class, I love watching classic films, discovering new wines, and swing-dancing.


    I’ve always been an avid reader, but wasn’t often drawn to the classics. I felt forced to read them in school and even now I’m more likely to pick up the latest YA publication instead of a Jane Austen novel. Now I know there are some good classics out there and I have read my fair share of them, despite my initial hesitations. However most of the time I enjoyed the classics I stumbled on outside of class, the
    only exception being To Kill A Mockingbird in 10th grade since I loved Gregory Peck’s role in the movie. Unfortunately this post is not about that novel, although it would have been very appropriate for Banned Books Week. Instead I’ll discuss the book that counted towards all my personal reading requirements in 8th grade English class, Gone With the Wind.

    On a whim, I checked out this ginormous book from the library and had all 1,024 pages of it read within a few weeks. I can’t remember if I read the book first or saw the movie, but all I know is that it forever shaped my impression of what a historical novel should be. Rhett and Scarlett are still one of my favorite literary couples and I liked how the novel ended. I was horrified when the sequel Scarlett was published
    because it just ruined a perfectly good story for me. The book has to end when Rhett says he doesn’t give a damn because that makes sense. Scarlett realized too late that she was in love with Rhett instead of Ashley and shouldn’t get a second chance to be with him in a sequel. I’m surprised that Margaret Mitchell’s estate
    signed off on another book but I guess they just wanted the money from the book sales. Whenever I see Scarlett in stores I can’t help but point it out to whoever is with me just because it’s that horrible of a novel.

    Even though the movie is 4 hours long, it still is a very condensed version of the novel. Rhett and Scarlett are the main focus and although it takes place during the Civil War, it’s more of a romantic drama than a war movie. If you’re looking for an accurate portrayal of the war, you won’t find it in Gone with the Wind. I signed up for a Civil War History class this quarter and so far neither Rhett nor Scarlett have shown up. In fact we have yet to study the actual war and it’s been three weeks, but that’s another story.

    Gone with the Wind taught me a limited history of the Civil War, but most importantly I learned not to disregard certain books just because they were older and contained a ridiculous number of pages. The classics can be ok reads, but I still can’t help being picky about which ones I’ll give a chance. Since blogging I haven’t picked up any classic novels to read but I did buy a 1936 edition of Gone With the Wind at a used bookstore that I plan on re-reading and reviewing. I might even do a book to film comparison since I haven’t posted one in awhile and need to re-watch my Collectors Edition for my research paper about how the Civil War is portrayed through film.

    Thank you so much Kate. I admit that I've never read Gone with the Wind, or seen all of the movie (although I have seen most of it). I started the book when I was around 12, and was shocked to read that Scarlet wasn't actually pretty, because I thought the actress in the movie was gorgeous! It's definitely a book that I've been meaning to actually read for a long time! Hopefully I'll be able to sneak it in soon!

  • Contemporary Posts Linky

    Have you written a post involving Contemporary YA?! Link it up!

    You do not have to be a participant in the Just Contemporary Challenge to you this linky! It's for any and every post involving Contemporary YA! Let's spread the love!:)

    You can link any Contemporary post (review, giveaway, author interview/guest post etc) but it does have to be Contemporary.

    And I know I'm behind, but I do promise a read & a comment to anyone who links up!:)

  • Weekly Geeks 2009-16

    This week's edition is guest-hosted by Care!

    In July 2008, I had emailed Dewey with an idea for Weekly Geeks. Dewey responded positively to my suggestion but alas, the timing just wasn't quite right, considering... Here's my original email (I was quite excited to find it this week when The Weekly Geeks team offered that I be a guest host!)

    Hi Dewey, I just had an idea and thought I could propose as a theme for a someday Geek Week: How about everyone's suggested standard REVIEW questionaire/format? could be genre specific or ???? And if, for example, I chose YOUR standard questions for a review, I would reference YOU in my next review? Feel free to pan, alter, whatever.
    THANKS! Care (aka

    This was her response, dated 11/23/2008:

    Hi Care!
    I am finding several July emails that were buried by this huge pile of bookworms carnival hosting emails! AHHHH I'm drowning in bookworms carnival! Anyway, I love this idea. I will use it next week! Dewey

    And now, thanks to the awesome team that is so good to continue hosting our Weekly Geeks activity, I am honored to guest present the idea. I only ask you to do one, some, all or none of the following:

    1. Explain your review format - if you have one. Or maybe your rating system?

    2. Highlight another book-blogger's review format by linking to a favorite example - don't forget to tell us why they are a fave!

    3. Do a review in another book-blogger's format of your latest read. I did this just the other day when I had read a great post discussing what makes a good review and 'borrowing' from a comment by Ramya. That post was one of Bethany's and my example giving Ramya the credit is here.

    4. Highlight a past review that you are particularly proud of and why the format or structure may have had something to do with it.

    I would have loved to have seen how Dewey would have presented this - she was always so gracious and helpful with her comments on reviews. It's wonderful that her spirit lives on with this community we are building, the conversations we are sharing, the friendships we are making and the BOOKS we are READING!

    Last, and certainly not least, Dewey's blog featured a page devoted to her review questionaire format which is what inspired my idea in the first place.

    Happy Geeks!


    Would you like to guest-host a Weekly Geeks post? Or do you have topic suggestions? Email us!